Mont Maglic

Mont Maglic

Trnovacko Lake is found at the beds of Mount Maglić (2386 m) and Volujak (2336 m), at the far SW of Monte Negro. The lake is not easy to access but it's possible to get to the lake from Plužine and Foca, Both options require many hours of walking through a difficult terrain. Because of this the lake is mainly visited by experienced enthusiasts. The altitude of Trnovacko Lake is 1517 m, its diameter is 600 m and is in the shape of a heart with a varying depth. Due to its dark green color the lake appears as an emerald, protected by the mighty Maglic and Volujak Mountains. The shape of the lake and the impressive environment in which is located makes it the most beautiful lake in the region. In the close proximity to the lake is Perucica Forest the oldest primeval forest in Europe.
on Nov 24, 2010 7:09 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 680898


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