Mont Velan S-SE (sunny) & S-SW Faces

Mont Velan S-SE (sunny) & S-SW Faces

To the left or South-southwest: the ridge from La Salliaousa (3322m). In distance: Quota 3678 meters (semi sunny and in the shade) on Western Ridge (from Hannibal's Pass 2992 metres). In foreground to the right or East-southeast: Quota 3672 meters, Mont Velan or Mont V'lan, even semply V'lan (3734m) with the border watershed between Italy and Switzerland and always to the right or E-SE the ridge downhill up the two Western Mini Horn (3623 meters around), the bifid Broken Mini Horn (about 3612 metres). V'lan's Horns (West 3620m, Eastern Brèche (3610/2 metres about, Mini Central about 3615 meters, East about 3618 meters) , the five V'lan's Jags (about 3570/80/85/90/95 metres), just detached to the East the Little Velan's Tooth (about 3530/35 metres), up to the inclined Tête d'Ariondet (3485m).

October 03th, 2019. Foto by Osvaldo Cardellina
on Oct 25, 2019 12:23 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 1045589


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