LazyJSkwires - Aug 12, 2018 10:18 am Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2018
Once was enough
If you've ever done Lost River Peak in Idaho in the summer you'll have deja vu of the worst scree field you've ever done when you climb up the gully. The rest of the ridge is still a slog on loose rock and you're never sure if you're taking the right route half the time. I think the altitude started to get to me and this took way longer than I was anticipating
wadehbrown - Sep 17, 2014 2:08 am Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2014
North Ridge
Nothing real tricky. Head up the gully to the ridge. We took a quick jaunt over to the unofficial "North Mt. Beulah" before heading back south and up to the main summit. Lots of loose rock as expected, but nothing unmanageable. Descended down one of the first chutes. Not bad as long as you are not on top of each other knocking rocks onto one another. Then we traversed above the lower cliff bands. Successful trip on one of the better looking peaks and ridge lines in the Uintahs. Worst part was all the mud on the trail in. Never seen a trail with so much mud and water on it. Oh and no summit register to be found.
yadahzoemtn - Sep 15, 2013 9:23 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2007
Crumbling Mountain
Successful trip but very loose rock
ZeeJay - Dec 16, 2010 7:08 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2007
Interesting peak
Nice hike with Lana and Moogie737. Took the Left Hand Fork of the Bear River, then ascended to the saddle south of 12140, and then followed the ridge south to the summit.
I had no idea that many people had been up Bealuh. Nice jagged peak. Lots of scree and loose rock. Gently rising approach. No sign of register when I did it in 2006. Decided to drop right of the face for descent scary dangerous but fun. Literally skiing on flowing scree at high velocities.
coldandhungry - Feb 12, 2008 11:52 pm Date Climbed: Feb 7, 2007
North Face to East Ridge
Terrible snow conditions. It varied from front pointing to hip deep sugar. moderate 5th class on the ridge. Climbed solo. With the long winter approach(no snowmobile) and bad conditions it took me a week to make the summit and return. I had planned on climbing the south face, but the conditions disagreed. Worst skiing in my life.
5+15 to the summit. Lana, Judy and I "tolerated" the endless scree, loose dirt and rotten rock. Plan on two false summits when approaching from the north; don't be discouraged. No summit register in sight. The first 5 miles of this hike are wonderful; the last two are just short of nightmarish. Still a worthwhile peak to bag, but maybe just once. :)
Nice run away from record valley temperatures with Grizz the mtn_runr & MOCKBA. Grizz thought that he approached the summit from the South before, and that's the direction we tried. An awesome 100-footer grey cliff blocked our way at 12,000 ft. Just as we let out a sigh of relief that it's over, the true summit block came into view. Awwh! What friggin' towers! Passed the dark chimney of the left, 'tain't as bad as it looks.
No Joe's summit note anywhere, but we found a slip of paper with 1980-1982 logs, and a lightning-melted stub of a pencil. Down by the North Ridge, left the ridge a tad too soon, dropping right after the Big Finger gendarme. A gentler way down would require at least a couple hundred yards more traversing over two minor humps of this ridge.
Nice wild strawberries and grouseberries in the valley, a surprise encounter with a scared white goat on the ridge, and a cool skinnydipping hole just at the base of Joe's gulch, but no mushrooms.
mtn runr - Jul 21, 2006 10:44 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2002
from Left Hand Fork
The entire East Fork TH was closed because of the "Boy Scout Fire" the previous month. I jumped the barricade and poached the trail. Arrest me. The kiosk was nothing but a pile of ash and bolts. Likewise the TH restrooms. The little water bridges were mostly burned out. Most of the fire damage was South of the Left Hand Fork junction, though, and beyond that it was typical Uintah wilderness. What a nice peak.
Route Climbed: North Ridge (From Deadmans Pass)/West Face Date Climbed: July 1990, August 1991
A pretty tough peak.
Joseph Bullough - Oct 10, 2004 5:35 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2004
via North Ridge
A tough Uinta summit, with much routefinding along the north ridge. Summited on a very windy but otherwise outstanding October day. The summit register hadn't been signed since July 2003; not a very frequently visited summit.
LazyJSkwires - Aug 12, 2018 10:18 am Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2018
Once was enoughIf you've ever done Lost River Peak in Idaho in the summer you'll have deja vu of the worst scree field you've ever done when you climb up the gully. The rest of the ridge is still a slog on loose rock and you're never sure if you're taking the right route half the time. I think the altitude started to get to me and this took way longer than I was anticipating
wadehbrown - Sep 17, 2014 2:08 am Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2014
North RidgeNothing real tricky. Head up the gully to the ridge. We took a quick jaunt over to the unofficial "North Mt. Beulah" before heading back south and up to the main summit. Lots of loose rock as expected, but nothing unmanageable. Descended down one of the first chutes. Not bad as long as you are not on top of each other knocking rocks onto one another. Then we traversed above the lower cliff bands. Successful trip on one of the better looking peaks and ridge lines in the Uintahs. Worst part was all the mud on the trail in. Never seen a trail with so much mud and water on it. Oh and no summit register to be found.
yadahzoemtn - Sep 15, 2013 9:23 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2007
Crumbling MountainSuccessful trip but very loose rock
ZeeJay - Dec 16, 2010 7:08 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2007
Interesting peakNice hike with Lana and Moogie737. Took the Left Hand Fork of the Bear River, then ascended to the saddle south of 12140, and then followed the ridge south to the summit.
alphasteve - Dec 24, 2008 1:46 am
Special Little PlaceI had no idea that many people had been up Bealuh. Nice jagged peak. Lots of scree and loose rock. Gently rising approach. No sign of register when I did it in 2006. Decided to drop right of the face for descent scary dangerous but fun. Literally skiing on flowing scree at high velocities.
coldandhungry - Feb 12, 2008 11:52 pm Date Climbed: Feb 7, 2007
North Face to East RidgeTerrible snow conditions. It varied from front pointing to hip deep sugar. moderate 5th class on the ridge. Climbed solo. With the long winter approach(no snowmobile) and bad conditions it took me a week to make the summit and return. I had planned on climbing the south face, but the conditions disagreed. Worst skiing in my life.
Scott - Apr 5, 2008 1:01 am
Re: North Face to East RidgeYou climbed Mount Beulah in winter? Congrats! It may have even been the first winter ascent of the peak. Good job.
Moogie737 - Sep 14, 2007 2:40 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2007
North ridge from saddle5+15 to the summit. Lana, Judy and I "tolerated" the endless scree, loose dirt and rotten rock. Plan on two false summits when approaching from the north; don't be discouraged. No summit register in sight. The first 5 miles of this hike are wonderful; the last two are just short of nightmarish. Still a worthwhile peak to bag, but maybe just once. :)
GeoPooch Sobachka - Jul 23, 2006 7:09 pm Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2006
South to NorthNice run away from record valley temperatures with Grizz the mtn_runr & MOCKBA. Grizz thought that he approached the summit from the South before, and that's the direction we tried. An awesome 100-footer grey cliff blocked our way at 12,000 ft. Just as we let out a sigh of relief that it's over, the true summit block came into view. Awwh! What friggin' towers! Passed the dark chimney of the left, 'tain't as bad as it looks.
No Joe's summit note anywhere, but we found a slip of paper with 1980-1982 logs, and a lightning-melted stub of a pencil. Down by the North Ridge, left the ridge a tad too soon, dropping right after the Big Finger gendarme. A gentler way down would require at least a couple hundred yards more traversing over two minor humps of this ridge.
Nice wild strawberries and grouseberries in the valley, a surprise encounter with a scared white goat on the ridge, and a cool skinnydipping hole just at the base of Joe's gulch, but no mushrooms.
mtn runr - Jul 21, 2006 10:44 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2002
from Left Hand ForkThe entire East Fork TH was closed because of the "Boy Scout Fire" the previous month. I jumped the barricade and poached the trail. Arrest me. The kiosk was nothing but a pile of ash and bolts. Likewise the TH restrooms. The little water bridges were mostly burned out. Most of the fire damage was South of the Left Hand Fork junction, though, and beyond that it was typical Uintah wilderness. What a nice peak.
Scott - Oct 12, 2004 6:42 pm
Route Climbed: North Ridge (From Deadmans Pass)/West Face Date Climbed: July 1990, August 1991A pretty tough peak.
Joseph Bullough - Oct 10, 2004 5:35 pm Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2004
via North RidgeA tough Uinta summit, with much routefinding along the north ridge. Summited on a very windy but otherwise outstanding October day. The summit register hadn't been signed since July 2003; not a very frequently visited summit.