Mount Bross Climber's Log

Viewing: 81-100 of 323

REM - Jun 6, 2011 11:15 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 1985

Decalibron  Sucess!

Climbed with C. Stephens. Summited on September 4, 1982 in my 4x4.

Jeremy Hakes

Jeremy Hakes - Jan 15, 2011 11:00 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2005

Trucks!  Sucess!

Trucks on the summit! Dumb!


centrifuge - Jan 12, 2011 10:03 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2007

the explorer  Sucess!

just below the summit was anticlimactic


thatnissanguy - Dec 20, 2010 8:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2010

windy on the decalibron  Sucess!

Done as part of the Decalibron.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller - Dec 11, 2010 1:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2008

Lincoln Amphitheater  Sucess!

Came up Lincoln Amphitheater and got all 4 (Lincoln, Bross, Cameron and Democrat) before having to bail down to Kite Lake because of a storm. Found a nice couple to give me a ride back over to my car.


BBarthel - Dec 7, 2010 1:25 pm

Decalibron  Sucess!

Scree down to Kite Lake.


pyerger - Nov 26, 2010 1:16 pm

Bross  Sucess!

east face as a training run for pike peak marathon


rockymountaindiva - Oct 11, 2010 12:46 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2001

Crowded  Sucess!

Watched tourists having wine & cheese on their jeep tour. A little too commercial!


ericd - Oct 2, 2010 2:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2010

Summit belongs to the people!  Sucess!

Last of the Decalibron four. How can a mountain peak be private property? Beautiful site coming from Lincoln, this is a nice wide trail to the top, then has a soft descent trail back to Kite Lake Trailhead, losing 2170' in 1 hours time. Classy waterfall at the end to refill with Colorado's finest.


JustinShapiro - Aug 30, 2010 11:28 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2010

w/ Democrat, Cameron and Lincoln  Sucess!

I really cant believe the summit is "closed to public access". 14ers at least should be public land, we ignored the signs that said dont go and went anyway, who would know? Theres no such thing as a closed mountain. Last mountain of the day...glisaded down its face to Kite Lake. Climbed with Democrat, Lincoln and Cameron.


mstender - Aug 16, 2010 12:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2010

Cold and Windy!  Sucess!

Went up from the Mineral Park Mine and did not see anybody until I hit the summit: there was a jeep! I actually like the hike up from that side, nice wildflowers and wildlife even though the peak is really scared by all the mining. It was extremely cold and windy at the summit though. Went on to Lincoln and Cameron.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Aug 1, 2010 10:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2010

Dolly Varden  Sucess!

I orphaned this one about a decade ago not making the entire decalibron (in part due to hiking with a pregnant companion who just tuckered out). Last fall, the spindrift, cold winds, etc. just got too much for me and my dog. Finally, today, I made the summit of this peak. It's certainly not the most inspirational mountain I've visited and mining has torn it to hell and back but the views are nice and it was pleasant to finally hit the top.


Hostilejim - Jul 31, 2010 9:49 am

great peak with scree  Sucess!

Climbed with Democrat and Lincoln, went down scree to kite lake.


jeffrawn - Jul 25, 2010 7:41 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2010


Having climbed Democrat last October, decided to get the other three. Cloudy, windy day, with very few chances to see the views from the summits - all in the clouds. Interesting hike all the same - circuit from Kite Lake. 14er #16, if I count Cameron.


catullus - Jul 18, 2010 7:42 pm Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2010

via Democrat N. Ridge  Sucess!


theREALCarpeDM - Apr 8, 2010 6:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2006

Tick  Sucess!

Did it from the Dolly Varden TH - and got Lincoln on this trip, too. I puked on top of Bross! Given many people's opinion of this mountain, they might say that was fitting. Ha Ha! But at least from Dolly Varden, you go through a stand of bristlecone pines.


Mlasky - Mar 13, 2010 10:02 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2008

Road Trip  Sucess!

Three chicks from Idaho on a road trip for a peak bagging bacation....Lincoln-Cameron-Democrat-Cameron-Bross loop. I am lucky my girlfriends think this is a fun thing to do...this was one of the windiest loops i have ever done.

Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Mar 1, 2010 2:18 pm Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2010

Another  Sucess!

summit at this mountain, this time was differet and i had more fun with some great climbers from Colorado!


shknbke - Feb 28, 2010 6:48 pm Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2010

Decalibron from Paris Mill  Sucess!

Nice winter 14er outing with a group of 8 on a calm, warm day. 11 hour day at a leisurely pace for Decalibron from the winter trailhead just below Paris Mill. These 14ers are now officially open to the public!


strudolyubov - Jan 17, 2010 3:01 pm Date Climbed: Jan 16, 2010

Bross-Lincoln-Cameron-Democrat-Cameron-Bross from Moose Creek  Sucess!

Hiked to the summit of Bross along with three other peaks (Bross-Lincoln-Cameron-Democrat-Cameron-Bross combo) from Moose Creek. Great weather, ugly signs of mining here and there.

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