kovarpa - May 23, 2007 2:44 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2007
Y couloir
Fun snow climb, longer than it looks from the start of the route. Great spring skiing from the bottom of the couloir back to my camp...
Vladislav - Apr 6, 2007 6:24 pm Date Climbed: Oct 29, 2006
East Ridge from Alpine Lake
What a quaint summit!
A giant reptile raising its head,
Its horrendous neck we climb.
bigbendbetty - Mar 27, 2007 2:30 am Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2005
East Ridge Route
The trip up was just spectacular. I didn't make it up the summit ridge though, too exposed for me back then. I can't wait to get back up there.
bcd - Mar 19, 2007 1:47 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2006
climbing and snowboarding
still enough snow for some late season snowboarding. Up the west ridge, followed by a fun ride down the glacier.
mow10 - Mar 17, 2007 7:31 am Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2005
W face to N ridge
We were shooting for w ridge but saw nice rock to the left and I just went for it. Ending up finishing on n ridge was fun. Glad I read that route description too.
Hiked to Youngs Lakes. Got hailed on. Early wake up so we could beat the t-storms. Did the West Ridge. On the summit by 11:00 am. Beat the t-storms. Hiked back to camp, broke camp, and out to the Meadows by 6:30 pm. Long day.
Hiked the road from where it's gated (about 14-20 miles,not sure) then snowshoed into the backcountry to set up camp for 12 days. Climbed the North ridge under winter conditions, poor visibility due to being in the cloud, but no wind. Took 22 hours tent to tent.
Peak Freak - Nov 26, 2006 6:55 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2006
East Ridge from Alpine Lake
Fun scramble! First day of a two peak weekend in California.
Mark N - Sep 16, 2006 10:37 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2006
South Slope from East
Day hiked from Saddlebag Lake as an acclimatization exercize for Mt. Whitney with Gareth C. Mosquitos were out in force on approach. Near the top easy but airy for class 2. Great views.
tdoughty - Sep 15, 2006 12:39 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2006
West Ridge Day Dream
Hiked in late Sat and slept a couple hundred feet below the summit. Descended to the toe of the west ridge on sunday morning and climbed the route. Beautiful day to climb it, with not a soul in sight. Good climbing. I was disapointed in the proximity of the easy climbing to the north, but as long as you stay on the edge, it is a fairly good climb.
Spent more time in the car than we did on the route. Climbed the East Ridge from Saddlebag Lake. Made a small mistake in following a use trail from the Experiment Station, but eventually found our way onto the ridge and the summit.
jonhersh - Sep 11, 2006 6:06 am Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2006
South Slope from the East
Fun dayhike. Started from the Sawmill Campground instead of Saddlebag Lake. Was a little disappointed in the quality of research being conducted at the Carnegie Institute Experimental Station. It's a pretty impressive name for an abandoned shack.
kovarpa - Aug 30, 2006 6:25 am Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2006
North Ridge
Continued traverse from NW ridge of North Peak. Very fun, great weather.
ScottyS - Aug 29, 2006 7:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2006
Via North Ridge from North Peak
Climbed up the N.Ridge after summiting North Peak, along with Barry Beck and D.Rod. We took our time, as I wasn't sure what a summer at sea level and a year hiatus from climbing was going to allow. Fortunately, my body seemed up to the task of extended 4th-class scrambling, and, except for some rappel business at the second tower, the rope stayed in my pack. I used Tevas until the 4th-class sections on North Peak, and La Sportiva approach shoes after that. This was a great short climb, one that should not have been put off so long.
jonathancamp - Aug 21, 2006 6:13 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2006
East ridge via Alpine Lake
Beautiful day and stunning views!
rhyang - Aug 14, 2006 7:13 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
North Ridge
Climbed with Kris - started at 5am from Saddlebag Lake, got to col between N. Ridge Conness and North Peak around 8, atop second tower by 9:50, summit around 11:45.
Supertopo mentioned two raps from the second tower - we downclimbed the first 30' 5.5 rap, then Kris downclimbed the second 60' 5.6 rap. I chickened out and used the rope on the second rap instead of downclimbing. Oh well ...
Simul-soloed the remainder of the N. Ridge from there - very fun fourth and low fifth class. It would have sucked to pitch out this section, and probably taken a lot longer.
Brought 8.5mm x 50m half rope and a spartan rock rack, rock shoes, and didn't use any of it (except for the rope). Did entire route in approach shoes.
A bit of snow on the descent via Alpine Lake, but it was soft, suncupped and fairly low angle. Back to cars around 2:40pm.
Beautiful cloudless and pleasant day, with superb views from the top. We put a new notebook in the summit register, since DustysDawg advised us the existing logs were full. There was a section of rope affixed to the second rap station, which we removed and packed out.
kovarpa - May 23, 2007 2:44 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2007
Y couloirFun snow climb, longer than it looks from the start of the route. Great spring skiing from the bottom of the couloir back to my camp...
Vladislav - Apr 6, 2007 6:24 pm Date Climbed: Oct 29, 2006
East Ridge from Alpine LakeWhat a quaint summit!
A giant reptile raising its head,
Its horrendous neck we climb.
bigbendbetty - Mar 27, 2007 2:30 am Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2005
East Ridge RouteThe trip up was just spectacular. I didn't make it up the summit ridge though, too exposed for me back then. I can't wait to get back up there.
bcd - Mar 19, 2007 1:47 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2006
climbing and snowboardingstill enough snow for some late season snowboarding. Up the west ridge, followed by a fun ride down the glacier.
mow10 - Mar 17, 2007 7:31 am Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2005
W face to N ridgeWe were shooting for w ridge but saw nice rock to the left and I just went for it. Ending up finishing on n ridge was fun. Glad I read that route description too.
hockeyman - Mar 7, 2007 4:51 pm
West RidgeHiked to Youngs Lakes. Got hailed on. Early wake up so we could beat the t-storms. Did the West Ridge. On the summit by 11:00 am. Beat the t-storms. Hiked back to camp, broke camp, and out to the Meadows by 6:30 pm. Long day.
lizrdboy - Feb 24, 2007 6:27 pm
East RidgeSnuck up and down before a brilliant hail and lightening storm. Great peak!
highice - Jan 30, 2007 7:13 pm
north ridge, winter conditionsHiked the road from where it's gated (about 14-20 miles,not sure) then snowshoed into the backcountry to set up camp for 12 days. Climbed the North ridge under winter conditions, poor visibility due to being in the cloud, but no wind. Took 22 hours tent to tent.
Peak Freak - Nov 26, 2006 6:55 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2006
East Ridge from Alpine LakeFun scramble! First day of a two peak weekend in California.
Mark N - Sep 16, 2006 10:37 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2006
South Slope from EastDay hiked from Saddlebag Lake as an acclimatization exercize for Mt. Whitney with Gareth C. Mosquitos were out in force on approach. Near the top easy but airy for class 2. Great views.
tdoughty - Sep 15, 2006 12:39 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2006
West Ridge Day DreamHiked in late Sat and slept a couple hundred feet below the summit. Descended to the toe of the west ridge on sunday morning and climbed the route. Beautiful day to climb it, with not a soul in sight. Good climbing. I was disapointed in the proximity of the easy climbing to the north, but as long as you stay on the edge, it is a fairly good climb.
salad - Sep 14, 2006 9:52 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2003
Route Climbed: West RidgeGreat route. Altitude got me, long descent in the dark.
96avs01 - Sep 13, 2006 7:37 pm Date Climbed: Sep 12, 2006
Sweet DayhikeSpent more time in the car than we did on the route. Climbed the East Ridge from Saddlebag Lake. Made a small mistake in following a use trail from the Experiment Station, but eventually found our way onto the ridge and the summit.
jonhersh - Sep 11, 2006 6:06 am Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2006
South Slope from the EastFun dayhike. Started from the Sawmill Campground instead of Saddlebag Lake. Was a little disappointed in the quality of research being conducted at the Carnegie Institute Experimental Station. It's a pretty impressive name for an abandoned shack.
bennovak - Sep 9, 2006 10:56 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2006
South Slope from the EastA nice day hike. The last little bit is pretty cool.
awagher - Sep 5, 2006 4:18 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2006
Great Exposure on the W.R.West Ridge with Miguel Forjan.
kovarpa - Aug 30, 2006 6:25 am Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2006
North RidgeContinued traverse from NW ridge of North Peak. Very fun, great weather.
ScottyS - Aug 29, 2006 7:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2006
Via North Ridge from North PeakClimbed up the N.Ridge after summiting North Peak, along with Barry Beck and D.Rod. We took our time, as I wasn't sure what a summer at sea level and a year hiatus from climbing was going to allow. Fortunately, my body seemed up to the task of extended 4th-class scrambling, and, except for some rappel business at the second tower, the rope stayed in my pack. I used Tevas until the 4th-class sections on North Peak, and La Sportiva approach shoes after that. This was a great short climb, one that should not have been put off so long.
jonathancamp - Aug 21, 2006 6:13 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2006
East ridge via Alpine LakeBeautiful day and stunning views!
rhyang - Aug 14, 2006 7:13 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006
North RidgeClimbed with Kris - started at 5am from Saddlebag Lake, got to col between N. Ridge Conness and North Peak around 8, atop second tower by 9:50, summit around 11:45.
Supertopo mentioned two raps from the second tower - we downclimbed the first 30' 5.5 rap, then Kris downclimbed the second 60' 5.6 rap. I chickened out and used the rope on the second rap instead of downclimbing. Oh well ...
Simul-soloed the remainder of the N. Ridge from there - very fun fourth and low fifth class. It would have sucked to pitch out this section, and probably taken a lot longer.
Brought 8.5mm x 50m half rope and a spartan rock rack, rock shoes, and didn't use any of it (except for the rope). Did entire route in approach shoes.
A bit of snow on the descent via Alpine Lake, but it was soft, suncupped and fairly low angle. Back to cars around 2:40pm.
Beautiful cloudless and pleasant day, with superb views from the top. We put a new notebook in the summit register, since DustysDawg advised us the existing logs were full. There was a section of rope affixed to the second rap station, which we removed and packed out.