Mount Daniel Climber's Log

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ernestsson - Jun 11, 2013 1:19 am

Great First Glacier Climb  Sucess!

Overnight at Peggy's Pond then middle summit via Hyas Glacier, over the ridge below the East Summit and over the top of Daniels Glacier. My first time roping up for glacier travel, two man team.


tcingrum - Sep 18, 2012 9:15 am

Lynch carryover  Sucess!

Very hot with deep snow. nice scenery.

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Aug 27, 2012 1:48 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2012

Missing Volcano  Sucess!

Been wanting to fill this one in for years on the map. Climbed with Jim and Luna. Bugs were not maddening but they were very annoying. Drove up Saturday morning, had lunch at the Roslyn Cafe, hiked in mid afternoon after a short detour to retrieve Jim's backpack that had fallen 150 feet down a cliff on the traverse to Peggy's Pond (bane of old school external frame packs). Slept well under the Milky Way which apparently there is some debate now if we really are part of? Started out early and made the SE Ridge quickly. Jim and Luna decided to stay behind on the ridge while I hopped up to East Peak (the thin scree traverse over reminded me I was on a volcano) and then over to the West Peak in a cold wind. Signed the summit register and headed back. Saw 3 other climbers doing East Peak that must have come up from one of the glacier routes. Got a little far right on the descent and had to climb heather slopes to get back on track. Luna didn't care much or the dusty hike out and she slept soundly in the back of the car on the drive back to Portland. Excellent time on my annual birthday climb. Thanks Jim for going old school again and secretly bringing in Hostess Ding Dongs to celebrate.

Jake Robinson

Jake Robinson - Aug 21, 2012 3:41 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2012

Southeast ridge scramble  Sucess!

Did this in two days. A great trip but the bugs were pretty bad at Peggy's Pond.


ClimberCrabs - Jul 17, 2012 8:29 pm Date Climbed: May 15, 2009

East Peak from Peggys Pond  Sucess!

Made it to the East Peak from a camp at the only dry spot at Peggy's Pond. Snow the whole way with signs of huge slab avalanches on the north slope of the south side of the valley. Nice climb but I'd like to come back and tag the other two peaks of Daniel.

Josh Lewis

Josh Lewis - Aug 21, 2011 12:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2011

Hot Day  Sucess!

Finally it reaches over 80 degrees in the North West this summer today, unfortunately it was when I was climbing this mountain. But non the less I had a great time with clear views.


ExcitableBoy - Dec 28, 2010 9:17 am

Long time ago  Sucess!

With my brother.


breauxtrahn - Dec 8, 2010 8:13 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2005

East Summit  Sucess!

A little too cloudy with poor visibility to traverse to the main peak, so we went for the official geo marked peak. Awesome place. I'll be back.


Arkitekt - Sep 5, 2010 5:05 am Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2010

East Summit  Sucess!

Started late in the day and found that views at all summits were in a thick cloud cover. From the East summit i was actually unable to see either of the other two. So I hit the East Peak and called it a day. Another time for sure. The trail is in great shape and the ascent of the SE ridge is spectacular.


Redwic - Aug 29, 2010 10:47 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2010

Second Time Was A Charm!  Sucess!

Gimpilator, Bryan, and I attempted this peak at the end of September 2009. During that trip, I woke up sick and then we encountered a freak ice storm after some recent snow already packed on much of the route. Everyone turned around. This time, Gimpilator and I gave the peak a second attempt and were successful. The weather was great and the route conditions were perfect for the ascent/descent; snow-covered where we wanted and rocky where we wanted. We summited the West Summit, then the Middle Summit, and finally the East Summit. We were amazed how many people we met thought the East Summit was the true (highest) summit of Mount Daniel. The massive lake that formed from the melting of the Lynch Glacier north of the mountain is worth seeing! Great views from all of the summits, and this mountain is highly recommended. Mount Daniel brought my total number of Washington County Highpoints up to 33 (out of 39).


WeatherMan - Jul 23, 2010 4:50 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2010

SE/Hyas  Sucess!

Ascended the SE ridge from Peggy's, and found snow-fingers aplenty that made slow going traversing on the S flanks. Views were epic, more so than expected! Summited in around 6hrs, descended via the Hyas Creek Headwall, with long and fast glissades. Total trip time around 11hrs C2C. Awesome day in the hills.


gimpilator - Oct 25, 2009 10:32 am Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2010

Southeast Ridge  Sucess!

My first attempt was October 6, 2009. Unfavorable conditions forced us to turn around then. This time Redwic and I went back and did all three of the highest summits.


lukic - Aug 21, 2009 12:37 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2009

Beautiful area  Sucess!

Camping at Peggy's Pond was beautiful and fun, but the bugs were out in force.


LuminousAphid - Aug 19, 2009 10:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2009

SE Ridge  Sucess!

Did Daniel in a day after failing in 2 days last year. Amazing mountain and a good route, but pretty long and painful for 1 day. I registered for this site just to sign this log, so that should tell you how impressive this mountain is. 8000 footers ahoy!


mcpherma - Aug 15, 2009 8:06 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2009

Hyas Creek Glacier headwall  Sucess!

Just short of 12 hours car to car and the weather turned out beautiful. The hike in was a little cloudy and we did get a few raindrops. As we neared the traverse from the ridge above the headwall, the sun shone brightly and visibility improved. The mosquitos were thick, but I would do it again.


chudder - Aug 7, 2009 11:35 am Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2009

Up SE ridge, down S spur  Sucess!

Started Friday night as the sun went down, bivied below Peggy's Pond. Climbed to the west peak via the SE ridge in the morning, then descended the S spur/ridge, traversed to the pass between Daniel and Hinman, then over to Pea Soup Lake and the gap north of the lake where we set up the tent and weathered a lively thunderstorm at sunset. In the morning, we headed by Jade Lake, No Name Lake and Marmot Lake on our way back to the TH via Deception Pass... then some breakfast down the road at a little drive through burger place in Roslyn and off to Puget Sound in search of fresh oysters.



basagix - May 13, 2009 3:06 pm Date Climbed: Sep 23, 2006

SE Ridge  Sucess!

Fine hike with an even better crew. Really enjoyed the ridges. Glacier is getting small.


Doehle - Sep 29, 2008 3:01 pm Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2008

SE Ridge  Sucess!

Long day but great weather and views!


RomaK - Sep 11, 2008 6:54 pm

Hyas  Sucess!

Long day and mediocre weather (we were above the clouds but they obscured much views below). Very nice remote area though. Will have to come back here again some time to do the SE ridge!


Rockawilliam - Aug 13, 2008 1:28 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2008

SE Ridge and Hyas

I haven’t explored Snoqualmie Pass and Daniel looked good for a quick 24 hour climb. I went up the SE Ridge because it was so late in the day. I made the summit before sunset and set up camp on top of the Lynch Glacier. No bivy sites up high, but plenty of flat snow. The route was mostly class 2 and my dog made the summit, her second this year. Great views. Too many lakes to count and no one anywhere near the mountain. On the other hand, I’ve never heard so many fighter jets in my life. It felt like I was at an air show. The Hyas Glacier provided an easier descent the next day.

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