Mount Sherman Climber's Log

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mtelbertman - Jan 26, 2007 9:39 am

wiiiiiindy  Sucess!

god awfully windy day, perfectly clear through out the entire day though. I lost my sunglasses on this mountain. Anybody finds a pair it's probably mine.

Anya Jingle

Anya Jingle - Jan 23, 2007 4:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2006

From Fourmile Creek  Sucess!

Weather looked so so in the morning, but the sun came out as I reached the summit. Soon the clouds disappeared and I went and did Sheridan as well. On my way down, I coud not resist photographing some gorgeous wildflowers that were abundant by the creek. My slideshow is here: Mount Sherman and Sheridan from Fourmile Creek


weeds19 - Jan 19, 2007 3:38 am Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2002

A brief detour on the way to Denver  Sucess!

We were heading from Salt Lake to Denver to a wedding and decided to stop off near Leadville for a snowy climb before heading into the big city. Whiteout conditions on the top, but nice weather on the way down.


Scott - Dec 25, 2006 10:17 pm Date Climbed: Dec 23, 2006

Winter climbs  Sucess!

January 19 2013

Kessler, me and some Summitpost friends climbed Mt. Sherman, Colorado 14er. It is probable that several other 10 year olds have climbed the mountain, but I'm guessing that few of them have done so in January. We headed up Friday night and spent the night at 12,000 feet. It was hard to sleep because the winds were strong. The next morning we climbed the peak and everyone summitted. It was a beautiful sunny day, but the winds were really strong and it was cold. The minimum wild chill factor was -33F to -54F.

December 23 2006

Winter ascent with four others. After driving alone to 11,000 feet on the 22nd, I walked to 11,560 feet and camped. The night was -7F. At 12,100 feet, I waited for and met three others whom planned to climb Sherman and Sheridan with me. Another member caught up later. The five of us climbed Sherman and three of us climbed Sheridan. It was a great trip in good weather.


shanahan96 - Dec 25, 2006 5:59 am Date Climbed: Dec 23, 2006

winter summit  Sucess!

a perfect clear winter day. no clouds and no wind! how'd this happen?



boisedoc - Dec 17, 2006 5:13 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 1989

dash to the summit  Sucess!

Climbed in the late afternoon after waiting out a hailstorm at the trailhead

Eric Holle

Eric Holle - Dec 8, 2006 12:30 am

Route Climbed: ARSCO Mine Date Climbed: December 6, 2006  Sucess!

Parked at the winter TH at the ASARCO mine, slogged up the road to the Iowa Amphitheater. After summitting Gemini Peak in 40mph winds, continued over to Mt. Sherman in nice calm, 20-25mph winds. 3rd time to summitt Mt. Sherman. Wrapped up the hike with summitting Mt. Sheridan. Great Solo day.


cftbq - Nov 9, 2006 11:30 pm Date Climbed: Oct 10, 1993

Fourmile Creek--better late...  Sucess!

Catching up--or revising history--again. My wife's first 14er; my 9th (I think). An amazingly warm day for October.
Drove so high (in a 2WD vehicle) that it was a "cheat. One day I'll repeat it, and do 3,000 ft. Saw a rabbit the size of a goat on the way down.


lanagordon - Nov 5, 2006 6:36 pm Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2005

Beautiful Day  Sucess!

Beautiful hike


pittbrownie - Oct 28, 2006 4:46 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2006


Via fourmile creek. Crappy weather.

Vagabond Manifesto

Vagabond Manifesto - Oct 23, 2006 10:38 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2004

Fourmile Creek  Sucess!

Made it after an unsuccessful attempt the previous day due to weather. Got stormy during descent. Probably the easiest fourteener.


Chris - Sep 26, 2006 3:29 am Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2006

First snows  Sucess!

Did this as a trail run from the gate. First big storm of the season was blowing in, 50mph gusts along the ridge... I guess no more running shoes this year. Not the most inspiring mountain I've climbed, but any day out is a nice day out :-)

royswkr - Sep 22, 2006 2:36 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 1985

Civil war generals loop  Sucess!

From mine gate in drizzle and fog


lwillson83 - Sep 21, 2006 10:41 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2006

My 3rd 14er!  Sucess!

It was a pretty climb, and the marmots were restless.


awillson - Sep 15, 2006 6:16 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2006

Beautiful Inversion  Sucess!

It was a nice easy climb through the clouds, then at 13,500' we emerged above the clouds. Beautiful view!


skorpeo - Sep 14, 2006 9:56 pm Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2006

Nice September Day  Sucess!

Nice hike. Pretty views.


bjd5578 - Sep 14, 2006 3:54 am Date Climbed: May 28, 2006

A fun May hike  Sucess!

A work friend invited us along to climb Mt. Sherman (the day before I did the Bolder Boulder). This was originally my 3rd 14er, and we had climbed it from the Leadville side, so climbing from Alma seemed like fun to us!

We hiked up on a sunny cool May morning, and had the pleasure of glissading down almost 1000 feet - what a way to descend a peak.


DonnieB - Sep 11, 2006 8:43 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2006

Via Iowa Gulch  Sucess!

1st 14r w/ CP0915 with great views and met an awesome family w/ a wired haired pup that was rad!


BeginnerClimber - Aug 27, 2006 3:47 am Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2006

Everything today  Sucess!

Took a newbie climber with me today up Mt Sherman. We knew the weather wouldn't be the greatest today, as lightning storms pelted the mountains during our trip to Fairplay from Col Springs before dawn. Made the gate at 6:45AM and the trail was clear and the night rain had just quit (the lightning stopped at 6AM -- phew!). Turns out snow fell on the higher elevations the night before! We weren't 100% prepared for snow but pressed anyway at 7:30. Met the snow at about 12,700ft, and was amazed at the mining buildings still standing. We had virgin snow all the way to the summit, which we made at 9:15AM amongst snow clouds which were wanting to burst at the seems. Sat around and waited for the second group to join us, then we started down. Almost immediately the snow and wind kicked up, and realized that the virgin snow was quickly being pressed into ice by the other climbers. Good thing we were first on the summit! Anyway, around 13,500ft, the snow turned to a rain/snow/hail mix (harder than groppel) and pelted us til we got back to the mining buildings. Ironically, the trail head was nice and sunny, and made it down before 11AM. Not a bad first 14er for my young friend, and this made my 8th. So, let's recap: lightning, rain, snow, virgin snow, fog, snow/rain/hail mix, hard rain, sunny.

So, remember the storm that pelted us on the way down? We made it to Fairplay an hour later and sat at my favorite American/Chinese restaurant (anyone eat there?) and that storm had gotten very very angry. For about 15 minutes while we ate, the restaurant was host to a torrential downpour. Made it back to Colorado Springs, and I swear the same storm pelted my house with lightning and hard rain for another 20-30 minutes 4 hours later.

Great climb today!

ChaddBragg - Aug 21, 2006 2:03 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2006

Through the Clouds  Sucess!

Nice hike through the clouds. Wanted to head over to Gemini, but wasn't sure what the weather was going to do.

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