Mount Washington Climber's Log

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richnyc - Dec 26, 2013 8:52 pm Date Climbed: Nov 20, 2013

First summit;)  Sucess!

Solo hike via Lion Head trail (roundtrip in 4.5 hours, 8.4 miles, approx. 4,300 ft elev. gain). Started early (7:00am) in cool weather, single digits temps (F), eventually it warmed up into high teens. A beautiful sunny day, almost windless, although on the top of Mt. Washington it was a bit "breezy", with 30-40 mph winds. Lots of rim ice above treeline, microspikes were helpful, esp. on the descent. Loved it, now preparing another one, this time in winter;)

mattvct - Dec 18, 2013 3:11 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2013

Ammonusuc Ravine Trail  Sucess!

Great trip doubled up with Monroe. Ammonusuc Ravine Trail > Lakes of the Clouds Hut > Monroe Spur to Summit, then Monroe Summit > Crawford Path > Gulfside Trail > Jewell Trail


atomiccows1 - Nov 26, 2013 9:57 pm Date Climbed: Jan 4, 2013

WInter Lion's Head  Sucess!

Beautiful Bluebird day. Weather started out cold (~0-5*) and got colder and winder as the day went on (-30* wind chill at summit). Would love to go again.


Wendellator - Oct 19, 2013 7:45 pm Date Climbed: Feb 15, 2013

Amoonoosuc Ravine Trail  Sucess!

Started at 5 am from the cog way parking lot.made it to the summit got caught in a white out,came back to lot,then drove back to NJ.
Home by 10 pm Long day good times


LesterLong - Sep 1, 2013 5:43 pm Date Climbed: Feb 18, 2010

First Climb - Mind Blown  Sucess!

Winter Climb with Guide from REI. Totally inexperienced and over my head. Completed the climb based only on a great guide, a supportive group, and balls. I was hooked.


ajberry - Aug 31, 2013 11:28 am Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2013

Presidential Traverse  Sucess!

Presidential traverse with Ryan Draft and Jamie Gagnon


Luc - Aug 27, 2013 9:47 pm Date Climbed: Feb 5, 1997

multiple  Sucess!

Once summer 3 times winter

andrew hemmerling

andrew hemmerling - Aug 6, 2013 10:28 am

the path less travelled  Sucess!

Took the Lion's Head up, only ran into one other hiker, and found a fresh orange in a plastic bag someone dropped (it belonged to the other hiker I met), nice snack (had to pick it up either way, hate litterbugs). Bagged Monroe also, thanks to a 70 yr. old gent who lead me there, visibility was zero, but he knew the way. He only charged a handshake and a granola bar (I had to force the bar into his hands). No views, very windy, 38 degrees, lots of wet mist. Learned my lesson on this one, cotton isn't even a word allowed to be spokan in my home, NOW. Took Tuckerman down, crowded as hell, and picked up lots of wrappers and what not. Easier route than Lion' Head, but due to the crowds I wish I went down the way I went up.


Onager - Jul 27, 2013 4:08 pm Date Climbed: Mar 1, 2013

Lion Head Winter Route  Sucess!

4AM to 3PM. Took the Lion Head Winter Route until it connected with the Tuckerman Ravine Trail past the Alpine Garden Junction. Cold day, wasn't snowing, low wind, low visibility, heard avalanches in the ravines while on the snow slope. Summited around 11:30 AM. Coming back Winter 2014 for round two.

My Ice Axe and Crampons saved me from serious injury on the descent down the Lion Head Winter Route.

An Ice Climber was killed in an avalanche that day, but didn't know about it until I got home late the next day. Mount Washington isn't a walk in the park hike while under snow.

Anywho, very fun, exhausting, but fun. Glad I got to put some mountaineering skill to the test that day.

Stephen Hall

Stephen Hall - Jul 26, 2013 11:25 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2013




marilou - Jul 20, 2013 2:36 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Long Weekend  Sucess!

Summitted in 70mph, blowing snow and wind.


nefarious_1_ - Jul 16, 2013 12:34 am Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2013

Great climb  Sucess!

Great weather with a successful summit and descent. Ascended Lion Head and descended Tuckerman; first time on this mountain. What an amazing time! Tuckerman's ravine is an incredible place; not to be believed! I'm itching to do it all again going up Huntington's! I highly recommend this climb.


islandborn11 - Jul 3, 2013 3:32 pm Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2013

Crazy fog at top  Sucess!

My family rented a place in the White Mountains for our summer vacation so this seemed like a no brainer. Roped my bro, sis, and sis' boyfriend into this as well. Tuckerman was closed so we took Lions Head. In the last hour the famous terrible weather kicked in with drizzle and pea soup for visibility. Enjoyed a bread bowl full of chili at the cafeteria. The hike down was brutal on knees and ankles. My bro is a triathlete but sis and sis' bf were sore the rest of the week. Still, a great, rewarding climb.


jbonbright - Jun 30, 2013 4:39 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2011

Perfect Day  Sucess!

My son (12) and I (48) climbed this over the course of two days. From the Cog Railroad station, we hiked up the relatively easy Jewell Trail to the Summit, hung out at the Observatory for a while, then hiked down to Lakes-of-Clouds Hut. Spent a cold, damp night in a crowded room with a bunch of giggling middle school girls.

The next day, we awoke, grabbed a quick bite, and beat everyone else out the door as we took the challenging Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail back to the Cog RR station and the truck.

The weather on both days was absolutely perfect and the views from the trail and summit were unforgettable. Bucket list item checked off! A rewarding hike with my young son, one I will never forget.


huskertriguy - Jun 14, 2013 12:41 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2013

Beautiful Day!  Sucess!

Tuckerman Ravine / Lion Head

Beautiful day, not too many people on the trail. Visibility at the summit was top-notch.

Avoid motorcycle day.

Be sure to visit the Saalt Pub in Gorham for outstanding poutine and great beer after your hike (I did the night before my hike, after hiking Mansfield in VT -- but they are closed on Mondays).

SHP #31


funnyfarm - Jun 8, 2013 9:32 am Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2013

So much for solitude  Sucess!

I realize it was a Saturday but still! Had to wait in a line of twenty people to get to the actual highpoint. Nice folks though and everyone willing to take photos of your group. Number 10.


whatdoIknow - May 28, 2013 11:30 am

beautiful day  Sucess!

does not get nicer than that day was. Also, not a soul on the mountain


sredfern - May 24, 2013 11:08 pm Date Climbed: Dec 28, 2012

Crew 63 Summits on 2nd Try!  Sucess!

Took the heartiest of my BSA Venture Crew up for our second annual winter attempt. Slept at Hermit Lake the first night in near zero weather. Headed up Lions Head early and summited in amazingly clear weather! Snow storm came in fast and we descended in snow all the way down. We decided not to camp at Hermit Lake again which was good because the storm raged for most of a day. First winter ascent after 3 attempts in storms, below 0 cold and 100+ mph winds on other trys.

pattyd82ab - May 21, 2013 8:41 am Date Climbed: Jan 14, 2010

First Summit  Sucess!

I climbed with the Norwich University Mountain Cold Weather Company. My group did Lions Head. Great hike. It was warm enough to summit in T- shirts, until we started standing around at the summit.


jainman09 - May 9, 2013 4:03 pm Date Climbed: Mar 16, 2011

Late Winter Ascent  Sucess!

My brother and I Grabbed a shelter at Tuckerman Ravine and hunkered down for the night. It was nice having three walls and practically a fourth made of snow. Next day started up Lion Head in low vis/heavy wind. Had to break out the ice axes on the steep trail! Thought about turning around when visibility broke at Lion Head. Weather got better all day. Lucked out with a rather warm sunny day on top. Still windy, but it always is. Glissaded all the way down to camp!

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