Moose Peak Comments

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Klenke - Apr 6, 2008 3:03 pm - Hasn't voted

Moose BM

This is a popular viewpoint and a worthy addition to this site. Some edits:

1. Please add topozone coordinates: 47.8841 -123.3662

2. The peak is actually 6760+ (see above topozone link and this link). The BM there is 6753 but just below the summit.

3. Pk 6760+ would be more appropriate for the name, but "Moose BM (Pk 6760+)" would be even better.


tleaf - Apr 6, 2008 9:10 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Moose BM

Let's petition for the new name! It immediately brings a smile to my face. I have not seen the peak named Moose before. Thank you for the added information. I will add it pronto. My husband has had his GPS along many times but hasn't felt the peak 'worthy'. Have you seen a brassy on top? We have never seen it. Perhaps we were gazing at the views more than looking for data.


Klenke - Apr 7, 2008 1:36 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Moose BM

I haven't been there myself. The map shows a benchmark ("brassy") several paces west of and below the top; so unless you specifically went looking for it, you may not see it. The benchmark will have MOOSE stamped on it. The elevation 6753 is the elevation of this benchmark. If an unofficially named peak or point should have a named benchmark on or very near to its summit, it is somewhat standard to refer to that peak or point by the name on the benchmark, in this case "Moose BM". But, there may actually be a more official unofficial name that supersedes Moose BM. If there is, I don't know of it.


tleaf - Apr 20, 2008 7:53 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Moose BM

I have looked through our library of books on the Olympics as well as maps and concluded we needed a new map. No mention of Moose BM. I went shopping and picked up Custom Correct Map, Elwha Valley as well as the Green Trail Map, Hurricane Ridge/Elwha north No. 1345 and what do you know? Peak 6753 is labeled Moose 6753 now-a-days. Hmmm. I'll have to look at all of our pre-1990 maps now. Thank you for the information. I'm still planning on finding that BM!


lcarreau - Apr 17, 2008 7:05 pm - Voted 10/10

Geez ...

I'm jealous! Great page, by the way. We don't have any MOOSE
living in Arizona. Guess it's too hot for the rascals. If I want
to be anywhere CLOSE to a moose, I have to go to northern Utah.
Hey, I just might decide to do that! - Larry


tleaf - Apr 17, 2008 11:20 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Geez ...

Sorry Larry. No moose in the Olympics. Why Moose lake and Moose BM, I haven't the foggiest idea. There are moose in northern Utah? I need to check it out.


Mountainjeff - May 18, 2008 8:14 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Geez ...

Legend has it that Moose Lake and Peak got there name from a horse named Moose that belonged to a park ranger a really long time ago. Not sure of the validity of that story, but it works for me.


tleaf - May 19, 2008 10:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Geez ...

Thank you for your version of Moose Peak's namesake. I haven't heard that story before.... Interesting. I'll have to inquire a bit.


yatsek - Mar 19, 2009 1:00 pm - Voted 10/10


To the bear that's brought me to this page, and to the creator!


tleaf - Apr 16, 2009 10:34 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Cheers

Thank you for the comment. Gimpilator took a great photo of the black bear. Usually we see bears in the distance, not up close.


leftfield - Sep 2, 2013 9:29 pm - Hasn't voted

Clearer directions

As to route-finding along the ridge - "a point that has been tamed by Man" was a little vague for our uses. We followed the trail at the foot of the ridge all the way back from the summit and went up the gully it led to. We ran into a fellow at the top of that who said, "You came up the right gully - the THIRD one". On the way in we just kept following way trails until they ran out and then dropped down THAT gully, quite a ways farther down the ridge.

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