Mt. Ritter West Slope Route

Mt. Ritter West Slope Route

Caption: (1) avoid this most northern of the Ritter Lakes: there is no easy way around it, although it may look tempting, particularly on your way back; (2) on this steep slope north of the lower lake keep west, at the very edge of a rocky ridge; the route in the middle is a real slog; (3) follow the creek coming from the upper lake almost to the outlet; leave the creek in the last fifty feet, and exit to the lake's terrace via an opening just east of the creek bed; (4) scramble up the fan above the lake until you reach the lower bowl; once in the bowl, look for a V-notch on the ridge line south of you (to your right, on your way up); (5) if you continue too high in the lower bowl, you will reach the dreaded "chockstone chute"; it leads to the right place, but the level of difficulty is much higher than class-2; (6) in the upper half of the lower bowl, look for ledges that would allow you an easy traverse in the south-west direction to the V-notch; the "notch" is actually a bottom of the upper bowl; (7) the upper bowl is another real slog; when going up, it is probably easier to stay near the left (north-east) rocky edge and avoid the use trail in the middle of the bowl; when going down, it is fine to descend by the use trail; the bowl is split by a ridge in the upper half; when going up, take the left (easterly) segment, which looks like a dead-end chute; the wider right segment continues to one of peaks on the south ridge of Mount Ritter, and it is of no interest in this hike; (8) when near the top of the left chute, find an easy traverse to the main south ridge of Mount Ritter; (9) take about 180 steps downhill along the ridge (count the steps!) to the saddle, then continue up the south-east slope (but always close to the ridge line) towards the summit which is in plain view in front of you; (10) in the last two hundred feet, exit to a ridge just west of the top (on your way up, that would be left of the top), then walk to the summit. Find more details about this route.
on Sep 19, 2009 5:39 pm
Image Type(s): Topo/Diagram
Image ID: 554938


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