Mt. St. Helena from the north

Mt. St. Helena from the north

From the ridge to Goat Roost Rock with Napa Valley in back right. The marine fog layer is back right with Mt. Tamalpais on the horizon. St. Helena sees hundreds of ascents every month from the 10 mile round trip walk up road on the east side out of Robert Louis Stevenson State Park. Few see this aspect with the rugged cliffs cascading down from the north peak (4,343') seen rising directly across Rattlesnake Canyon from an elevation of about 3,200' along the crest of the Mayacamas Mountains. This is a seldom visited area and an ascent out of Rattlesnake Canyon up the north face would be an interesting scramble possibly involving some class 4 for over 2,000'. The nature of the rock could be dubious. Maybe scree slopes to spice things up not to mention the brush choked gullies. Cheerio!
on Feb 22, 2015 1:19 am
Image ID: 930770


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