Mt. Timpanogos (UT) Climber's Log

Viewing: 141-160 of 270

punchline - Sep 2, 2009 3:53 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2009

Go during the week!  Sucess!

Aspen Grove Trail mid day on Monday - about 15 cars in the lot with very little traffic on the way up. Spent the night by the hut and climbed up the next morning. Smoke from St. George fires made Monday a terrible day for any views but it cleared off nicely for Tuesday. Encountered about 60 - 70 goats - WOW!!


rharris - Aug 31, 2009 12:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2009

Crowded!  Sucess!

If you want to combine a great hike with a unique cultural experience, go hike Timp on a beautiful Saturday in August. The Forest Service folks told us that there were at least 400 people just on the Timpooneke trail. If I had a dollar for each piece of BYU Cougar gear I saw people wearing on the trail, I'd be filthy rich. Despite the crowds, the mountain is simply majestic, and the crowds didn't seem to scare away several bull moose and an entire herd of mountain goats. We went up Timpooneke trail to the summit, then down the snowfield, past Emerald Lake, and back to Timpooneke. Great hike.


JonFinch - Aug 19, 2009 9:32 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2008

Prettiest Hike in the Wasatch  Sucess!

Scenery is top notch all the way around!

David Mortensen

David Mortensen - Aug 6, 2009 1:19 am Date Climbed: Jul 24, 2001

Timp  Sucess!

Hiked to the top with my wife on the Timpooneke Trail. 7/24/2001

Hiked the Aspen Grove Trail with Brandon. The wildflowers were amazing, and so were the mountain goats. 7/18/2016


kavak - Aug 4, 2009 10:27 am Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2009

Aspen Grove TH  Sucess!

I echo other people's comments about the beauty of this trail. Three waterfalls, one of which you can walk under...nice cooloff on the way down. Saw mountain goats high up above Emerald Lake in what looked like 5th class territory. One particular goat was comtemplating a move to another ledge above him. Amazing! Still enough snow if you are interested in the glissade, although I didn't go down that way.


kris247 - Jul 30, 2009 9:59 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2009

Aspen Grove Trail  Sucess!

First time on the Aspen Grove trail, what a beautiful hike. We saw about 35 mountain goats in the meadows north of Emerald Lake, followed by a walk across the soft, but supporting, snow pack to the saddle. We glissaded down the snow field above the lake before heading back to the car.


craghag - Jul 18, 2009 11:37 am Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2009

Via North Timp  Sucess!

Sizzling day!


spengy - Jul 15, 2009 10:45 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2009

Nice Outing  Sucess!

Nice hike up the Aspen Grove trail. Busy day on the mountain, despite all of the snow. Temperatures were nice and cool...because it was raining!


spengy - Jul 15, 2009 10:44 pm

Re: The perfect mountain

ha ha ideas like that are always hilarious in retrospect. Nice.


MikerHiker - Jul 14, 2009 8:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2009

Awesome Hike  Sucess!

Great Hike, Dean and I started at 6:30 am and summited at 11:15 We took the Timponeke trail up. 5 hours up, 3 down. Lots of wildlife! and a few animals too. This was one of my favorite hikes, A classic as a friend told me! Dean is great to hike with and I had a great time


x4wheeling - Jun 10, 2009 7:10 pm Date Climbed: Apr 30, 2009

Spectacular Skiing in Spring- East Ridge  Sucess!

Our route didn't take us to the true summit. Started at Aspen Grove 6890 ft @ 5am) once we attained the saddle (11,300 ft) we traversed south to the SE summit (11,600 ft @11am, total gain 4710 ft) and skied the East Ridge, an epic ski run, steep the whole way, navigating cliff bands and a bushwhack to the Stewart Falls trail to complete the trip back to Aspen Grove lot. Start time 5am, end time nearly 9 hrs later at 1:50pm.


x4wheeling - Jun 10, 2009 7:01 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2008

Refreshing in Summer  Sucess!

Great summer hike, very refreshing to be up and out of the heat. Great glissade down the glacier above Emerald Lake, that same day a hiker broke his leg glissading down.


klimbien - Jun 6, 2009 7:37 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2008


The Timpanooke trail is super easy...go for a walk, summit, and get back home with a great feeling of satisfaction b/c you spent all day out side but didn't have to work very hard to get great views and a nice summit experience.


Digiclimber - Apr 2, 2009 11:09 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006

Favorite  Sucess!

Probably my favorite peak, I try to climb it at least once a year but I just moved back to Utah so I haven't in a few years. Would love to try an alpine style winter climb someday.


Lubos - Mar 4, 2009 6:18 pm Date Climbed: Jan 18, 2009

Again and again  Sucess!

Great conditions this winter.

Ted Eliason

Ted Eliason - Jan 16, 2009 6:34 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 1993

Fun  Sucess!

An early first summer of mountaineering summit


rockthrowjoe - Jan 9, 2009 1:05 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2002

Aspen Grove route  Sucess!

Started hike from Aspen Grove at 3am. Summited by 6am to see the sunrise. The moon was bright so I didn't even use a flashlight past the waterfall. Since I wasn't using a flashlight my eyes adjusted to the dark so well that at one point I noticed the plants around me and the trail in front of me were all of sudden getting lighter. So I stopped and looked up in the dark sky and saw a very bright shooting star travelling towards the earth at a fairly sharp angle. And I could even hear a slight "fffttt" sound. After the meteor burned up I could still see it's trail illuminated by the light of the moon.

Definitely one of the coolest experiences I've had. Also I did the whole hike up and down with a quart of water. I was so dehydrated. I also got off the trail and lost for awhile crossing the boulder field on the north side of Timp.

That day was my birthday and later on I went water-skiing for the first time.


Kadee - Jan 8, 2009 4:17 pm

A Must Do...  Sucess!

7/16/06 - Aspen Grove - Timp was one of my goals for 2006 when I first started hiking. Got to do it twice that year.
9/10/06 - Timpooneke - One of Greg's friends wanted to do Timp so we decided to try a different trail.


alphasteve - Dec 24, 2008 1:49 am

Great trainning trail  Sucess!

Left parking lot at 9:07 pm summited at 11:24 pm. Beautiful Night.


NoSubas - Dec 22, 2008 4:28 am

Sleeping lady

Still one of my favorites of all

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