Near the Summit-- NW Ridge Route

Near the Summit-- NW Ridge Route

You are finally very close to the top of Rocky Mountain when you get here. Pick your own way up depending on what you want to do, but remember that the summit is up and right a bit. I went through the underhang creating that shadow on the right because it was close and seemed expedient. It required what some would call a Class 4 move, but it was more like an awkward Class 3. Slickness from some snowmelt made it a little harder than it appeared to be from a little bit away. From here, it took me about 10 minutes to reach the summit, which appeared suddenly. Rocky Mountain Front, Montana--July 2006 scan of a film print
Bob Sihler
on Jun 19, 2009 8:39 am
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 522678


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