NEXUS   ~   <i>Keeper of the Flame</i>

NEXUS ~ Keeper of the Flame

"I remember, remember the sunrise ... Left me breathless streaming ribbons of gold. Now I am older, but still I am watching ... Watching breathless as the MYSTERY UNFOLDS ..." The winds of time blow WILD 'cross Utah's Markagunt Plateau, revealing a desert of shadowy fins and hoodoos. This formation is called "The Bartizan" (9,795'). It was named after an overhanging, wall-mounted turret projecting from the walls of medieval castles from the early 14th century up to the 16th century. Many examples of this type of architecture are seen in Scotland. Most frequently found at corners, they protected a warder and enabled him to see his surroundings. (The rocks of Zion are older than those of Cedar Breaks; they represent the "next step down" in the Grand Staircase. The rocks of the Grand Canyon lie beneath these and are still older.) July 27, 2013
on Aug 8, 2013 12:27 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 860340


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