Nightcrawler, 5.10c

Nightcrawler, 5.10c

2nd - 120’- 5.9/ The chimney pitch of Nightcrawler is actually a real fun pitch to lead. It starts out in a flaring chimney and we observed a young man below us, when we were rapping the top of Nightcrawler to start up Hourglass Diversion, get a 3” stuck so bad, he eventually bailed on the route and left the cam. Many young climbers would be guilty of focusing more on trying to sow up the flaring chimney versus just climbing it and taking the pro available via the cracks in the wall. As you near the arched roof above, climb out right via well featured face climbing to the fixed anchor and ledge above. If you try and stay true to the overhanging corner, the climbing will be considerably more challenging. Nightcrawler, 5.10c and Hourglass Diversion, 5.9, 7 Pitches, South Brownstone Wall, Juniper Peak, Red Rocks, NV, March, 2010
Dow Williams
on Apr 5, 2010 12:09 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 610709


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