One burly creature...

One burly creature...

This guy's made for digging. He looked like a living 4X4. This marmot spent alot of time picking up small rocks in his mouth then spiting them back out. My guess he was extracting the salt... 7/6/07
Karl Helser
on Jul 16, 2007 9:15 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 312875


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Rockawilliam - Feb 1, 2008 12:40 am - Voted 10/10

Watch Out

I've seen a few marmots, but this guy's nasty.

Karl Helser

Karl Helser - Feb 1, 2008 9:04 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Watch Out

Yeah, on summit day (Sahale Peak) I couldn't stop thinking I was going to get back to camp to find all my gear shreaded into small pcs.
I took the food with me and he left the camp alone.

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