Page Type Gear Review
Object Title
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Aug 8, 2007 / Aug 8, 2007
Object ID 3668
Hits 4178

Product Description

The Association of Bow Valley Rock Climbers (TABVAR) is a not for profit organization, funded by donations, whose purpose is to promote the responsible development of safe rock climbing areas serving the Calgary, Canmore, Banff and Lake Louise climbing communities. TABVAR provides funds for fixed anchors on routes and for "environmental" projects such as erosion protection measures at the base of cliffs. Since its inception in 1993, TABVAR has raised and disbursed more than $60,000!

TABVAR relies on donations from generous climbers like yourself. If you climb in the Rockies, you no doubt have used anchors paid for by TABVAR. Please consider making a donation to:

P.O. Box 61236
Kensington RPO
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4S6


Tabvar contains free downloads updating most local guide books in the Canadian Rockies not to mention downloads with solid topos on new climbs not yet published. A true non-profit for the benefit of climbers.



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Dow Williams - Aug 8, 2007 8:08 pm - Voted 5/5
I use this site all the time, the topos are normally top notch. Tons of great climbs can be found here that are not yet published. A true non-profit for the sake of the climbing community.

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