Overhanging Hangover, 5.10a

Overhanging Hangover, 5.10a

2nd pitch is full of bird shit in mid May....I mean, every hold is slimy and your shoes become slippery with it....but if you can catch it without the poop, incredible route I thought...you look up at the roof and say no way it can be turned at 5.10a without aid, but there is a tiny finger crack with a few tiny foot placements that make it work. The first pitch had some great slab moves on it....almost 5.10b I thought.... Overhanging Hangover, 5.10a, 2 Pitches,Black Velvet Wall, Red Rocks, May, 2008
Dow Williams
on May 28, 2008 1:15 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 407405


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