Panorama Monte Rosa - Mischabel

Panorama Monte Rosa - Mischabel

ENLARGE TO SEE DETAILS! Seen from Weissmies South-Ridge, from left to right: Signalkuppe (4554m) - Zumsteinspitze (4563m) - Dufourspitze (4634m) - Nordend (4609m) - Lyskamm (4527m) - Strahlhorn (4190) - Pollux (4092m) - Roccia Nera (4075m) - Rimpfischhorn (4199m) - Breithorn (4165m) - Alallinhorn (4027m) - Alphubel (4206m) - Täschhorn (4491m) - Dom (4545m) - Lenzspitze (4294m) - Nadelhorn (4327m) - Hohberghorn (4219m) - In Front the Saas-valley with Saas Fee.
Sebastian Hamm
on Dec 6, 2006 11:58 am
Image ID: 249351


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