Peak 10,420 Climber's Log

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Tracy - Jul 31, 2011 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2010

enroute to Clayton Peak  Sucess!

I hiked this one with my brother Harold who was dealing with a 5-day old sprained ankle.

Ed F

Ed F - Jan 31, 2011 8:25 pm

Nice tour  Sucess!

Probably around 10 times in the winter ski touring. I tend to avoid this because of the snowmachines on the lower slopes and the trailhead road.


chicagotransplant - Sep 15, 2010 6:50 pm Date Climbed: Sep 12, 2010

Guardsman Pass  Sucess!

Climbed over PT 10420 on the way to Clayton from Guardsman Pass.


Moogie737 - Sep 15, 2010 1:55 pm Date Climbed: Mar 29, 2024

A variety of ways to get there  Sucess!

Once again a part of the "run." This time w/ JP Lewis. This must be my 8th or 9th time on this bump. Today we hit Desolation Peak and went as far as Mt. Majestic before running out of time. #10 12-27-11 Part of Brighton Bowl run from Guardsman to Twin Lakes Pass. Lotsa snow and exposed boulders. #11 1-11-14 Mit Yz. From Guardsman winter TH. Some westerly winds. Went north and bagged Guardsman Pk and Scott Hill. #12 8-2-14 Part of mini ridge run which included Clayton Peak and Guardsman Peak. Wunderbare Gesellschaft später. #13 1-22-16 From the west ridge leading to the sub-peak, then Tri-County Peak and Jupiter Hill in strong south winds. #14 W/ Lana from G. pass after failed attempt to reach Sundial (high water flow). #15 and #16 3-16-19 W. Yadahzoemtn. Snowshoe from gate on Guardsman road, then to Clayton Peak, back and over to Tri-County before returning to car. #17 & #18 03-30-19 W/ WMC like on the 16th but not to Tri-County Peak. #19 03-21-2020 W/ Lana. From Guardsman Gate. Snowshoes all the way. #20 & #21 03-22-24 W/Lana. After 10420, Clayton Pk and 10420 again. SS all the way. Nice day but windy on Clayton Pk. #22 & #23 03-29-24 W/Lana & David Kolbo. Like 03-22-24 but with lots of fresh snow.

AjaxHiker - Aug 23, 2010 2:44 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2010

"Mt. Sienna"  Sucess!

Climbed this with my 2.5 year old daughter on our way to Clayton. We decided since it didn't have a name, and this was her first summit, it should be named after her.

utclimber - Jul 30, 2010 12:46 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2010

Ridge Run  Sucess!

After work trail run up Tri-County Peak, Scott Hill, and Point 10420.


Dean - Jul 22, 2010 11:18 pm Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2010

Fun morning  Sucess!

I hit up Jupiter, Tri County Peak and this one today as I had the morning to play with and wanted to hike at altitude. I didn't do Majestic (Clayton) this time around since I had been on the summit of it back in the 90's when I did it during ski season. I'll get back to it and pick up Scott Hill on the next trip however because it looks like a fun one.


phatty - Jul 22, 2010 3:34 pm

A bump on the way  Sucess!

I probably summit this peak 15 times each winter. Its just a speed bump on the way to bigger and better places! Love the wasatch!

Scott Wesemann

Scott Wesemann - Apr 2, 2010 12:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2009

Quick and easy

I have been on this summit a couple of times, but it has never been a destination for me. The last time was a combination of Majestic, after I had done the Honeycomb cliffs earlier in the day. This would be a good peak for a workout if you didn't have much time.

7/21/10- Before work with Brother Van Horn.
8/24/11- Part of a 24 mile 8300 ft day that started in Lambs Canyon.


ZeeJay - Mar 24, 2010 3:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2008

A bunch  Sucess!

15 times, always in conjunction with some big loop around Brighton. Starting with Silver and ending with Honeycomb Cliffs, I once bagged 10-13 10,000 footers (depending upon how you count) in just over 8 hours.


Scott - Mar 24, 2010 3:24 pm

10420  Sucess!

I climbed this peak several times on the Brighton Ridge Run and while climbing Clayton Peak.

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