Electric Carpool Forming?

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Re: Electric Carpool Forming?

by phydeux » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:49 am

1000Pks wrote:
What about bicycle power ... Isn't IT a clean form of energy ??? ??

Even seriously, by the local enviro club, no. Bicycles require metals made from ores using electricity. GW. Rubber or nylon tires are also toxic. For many or most you lube with WD40, highly poisonous. Then the exercise itself generates greenhouse gases. And motorists complain due to forced right of way and other considerations, they have to use more gas to accommodate cyclists. Bike lanes, bike trails, all have to be built. Certainly no electric vehicles used to do that!

The local enviro club would have all of us lay down and die. Or feed ourselves to the sharks and crabs. Except for them, of course. They'd then inherit the planet, and all of the money. Why they are so popular in CA and elsewhere!

Do you seriously think the Tesla cars don't have the same issues you listed above, only in greater quantities? And don't forget the big battery array in the Tesla - lead, lithium, & nickel compunds, acids, etc; that's a huge environmental footprint! From my experience bicycling to the mountains might be more of an adventure that hiking and climbing in them.

Frankly, if I got hold of a Tesla, I'd be driving it to the mountains to drive it through the mountains. That would be one fun car to take up into the hills! Wouldn't have to bring a backpack either, just a extra pair of undershorts since I'm sure I'd 'soil' mine after a spirited drive on some twisty mountain roads! :twisted:


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