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News News of Northern Rockies (ID, MT, WY)

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Regional discussion and conditions reports for the Northern Rockies. Please post partners requests and trip plans in the Northern Rockies Climbing Partners section.

Gonna be in Wyoming

I'm going to be in Jackson for a few days starting the 23rd of May. Almost all of my snow climbing gear is packed away (very sad) so I'm wondering what some favorite trail runs or walk-ups/easy scrambles would be open the last week of may. Thanks guys.

Also, if anybody would like a partner for a day hike (again, none of my snow gear is with me), PM me.
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Climbing in Glacier Nat'l Park - class 5 rock question

Hey all -

Heading to Glacier in mid-late July and I'm an east-coast granite climber. I know the rock is mostly sedimentary out there and they've got their own classification system. I'm looking at trip reports/pics/etc and seems like the norm is class 3-4/loose rock and unroped scrambling.

I did hear there are some good quality rock routes but they are rare. I'm curious if anyone has done some class 5, roped, technical climbing routes ...
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Swimming in Yellowstone?

This will be my first trip to Yellowstone National Park. Are there any good places to swim in the park? I know to keep the heck away from thermal features. And I've heard that most of the lakes and such are far too cold. there a safe and relatively comfortable place to swim there?
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Grand Teton Climbers' Ranch Work Week

June 7-11 is Work Week at the Grand Teton Climbers' Ranch. If you volunteer for those five days then you can stay free for the entire month. I did that once and wound up staying through the end of August. Work Week is a great time to meet climbing partners and get inspired by the frosty peaks looming above.

If you want a different kind of perspective on life at the Ranch, read this.
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Grizzly Bear Numbers Increase In Montana

I thought it would be interesting story about the bear population in Montana.

Daily Interlake Newspaper
Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:00 am

by JIM MANN/Daily Inter Lake

Bear managers suspected the Northern Continental Divide grizzly population has been increasing, and now a six-year trend study has confirmed an annual average growth rate of 3 percent.

The findings were presented at a meeting Wednesday in Kalispell by Rick Mace, a research biologist with Montana Fish, ...
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Glacier NP: Route from Hidden Lake to Avalanche Creek?

Something that looks possible on the map is taking the trail from Logan Pass to Hidden Lake and then following the creek from the lake down to Avalanche Creek. Anyone ever tried this?
Read more : Glacier NP: Route from Hidden Lake to Avalanche Creek? | Views : 13560 | Replies : 12

Ride to Wind Rivers

Three friends and I are looking for a ride from Colorado or from a Wyoming greyhound bus station to anywhere in the Wind River Range this summer. If this fits in with your travel plans, we would pay for your time and gas. Thanks!
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Gannett Granite Tetons trip - late june 2010

we're looking to head to Wyoming around mid-june ... might start with a Wind River backpack, check out Gannett Peak ... then do some climbing in the Tetons ... maybe wrap up the trip on Granite Peak in Montana

a couple quick questions ...

folks say the bugs are ferocious certain times of year ... is late june reasonable ?

we're hoping the snow pack in june will help cover some of the infamous scree ...
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SP member publishes Bitterroots guide

Mike Hoyt (thephotohiker) has published a guidebook for dozens of Bitterroot summits. Congratulations, Mike, and thanks for the hard work!
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backpacking trip june 7th-13th

Hey guys, I a week off June 7-13th and would love to make a trip into the White Clouds, Sawtooths or Lost River Range. I know that this is technically a little early for the high country. We are experienced backpackers and will be well prepared for some snow travel and are hoping to get some fishing done.

How is the snow pack looking for these areas?
Approximately when would you expect the mid to ...
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