Pilot Rock Climber's Log

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Madram98 - Aug 7, 2024 4:50 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2023

Pilot Rock  Sucess!

An absolute blast. Hiked from the PCT


Jowzynkyn - Jul 7, 2024 1:39 am Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2024

Scorching Scramble with Tevo!!  Sucess!

2 hours C2C, the bugs are a nightmare, but there were a lot of butterflies near the trailhead :) Able to scramble/solo with Tevo sandals, I would argue the class 4 move is almost class 5, but the rest is mostly class 3. Super hot, 93 degrees Fahrenheit even up on the top!

Wesley Hazelton - May 23, 2019 2:53 pm Date Climbed: May 23, 2019

Raining trees!  Sucess!

Very easy going hike until you hit the fork in the PCT then it picks up a little. The climb right at the end was a little difficult but pretty easily negotiated by me and my brother with little climbing experience. We got rained on by the trees on most of the hike! Mostly cloudy day but beautiful views of mt Ashland and the Shasta Valley. Could not find a summit log. Up in about an hour and a half and down in just over an hour. Perfect quick hike for some beautiful views and a good little climb.


triyoda - Sep 30, 2018 8:47 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2018

Nice scramble  Sucess!

Popped over as a recovery after completing the bike race up Mt. Ashland in the morning. Outstanding peak.

sparkyslug - Aug 10, 2018 1:15 pm Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2018

Solo trail run (and scramble) to top of Pilot Rock  Sucess!

Short trail run starting at the Pilot Rock parking area (note that climbing is closed from Feb to July 31 because of Peregrine Falcon habitat). Made it to the top of Pilot Rock. Very smoke due to the huge and numerous wildfires in California and Oregon. The climb was class 3 with one spot that required a class 4/5 move. Solid rock for the most part.

Stu Brandel

Stu Brandel - Jun 27, 2015 5:41 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2015

Fun but Tough Scramble...  Sucess!

...for me. Drove over from Klamath because I was scared of doing a bigger mountain in the 100 degree heat.


Tracy - Jun 11, 2015 2:45 am Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2015

with my wife  Sucess!

I was successful in getting her to hike to the base of the rock, but as for the scrambling, I was on my own.

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Aug 24, 2014 10:22 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2014

Fun  Sucess!

Scrambled up late afternoon. Lots of little lizards everywhere. Has that chockstone always been there? Seems there were two Class 3-4 places. Others there said they couldn't remember it being there. It's in there good now. Fun scramble. Very windy up top. Always wanted to do this one. Got it in on a long weekend trip.


mastercoog - Jul 29, 2014 1:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2014

PCT off trail fun  Sucess!

Climb during PCT hiking. Nice scramble.


ScrambledLeggs - Oct 25, 2012 3:04 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2012

Summit via PCT  Sucess!

I made the ascent as a side trip during my 2012 thru hike.


bedellympian - Oct 21, 2011 1:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2011

shasta views!  Sucess!

Friend in Ashland took my girlfriend and I to climb it. What a great little trip!

Matt Miller

Matt Miller - Oct 21, 2011 12:55 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2011

Ashamed  Sucess!

Lived in Ashland for nearly two years before finally making the short trip over to climb Pilot Rock. I'm ashamed it took me so long. It's a great little scramble. My wife really enjoyed it and has talked about it a lot since climbing it a few days ago.


greglief - Jun 1, 2010 4:18 pm Date Climbed: May 29, 2010

Finally!  Sucess!

I have wanted to climb Pilot Rock for years, and finally got my chance on this beautiful spring day. Incredible views!


alpinedon - Nov 23, 2009 1:07 am Date Climbed: Jun 14, 2008

Icing on the cake  Sucess!

Did this after climbing McLoughlin a few hours earlier, and it was a nice, final exhausting way to spend a day. The 3rd class scramble seemed more like 4th class to me.


cdog - Dec 21, 2008 12:26 pm

it caught my eye  Sucess!

after driving back and forth from norCal to Corvallis many times, we finally took the time in 2004 to explore the border area and head towards Pilot Rock. This was a fun, easy scramble with spectacular views of Siskiyou country. Nobody else around.


Levi - Nov 24, 2008 10:45 am Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2008

Standard Route  Sucess!

I went to visit my brother in Ashland and the day I left we decided to make the summit quick. There was a lot of frost and it made the rocks slick. We made the summit and had a great view of Shasta.


RyanMountain - Nov 11, 2008 8:52 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2008

required for ashland residents  Sucess!

Beautiful climb with great views of Shasta. Go down to Standing Stone Brewery after (or before) the climb. Pilot Rock is their mascot!

chugach mtn boy

chugach mtn boy - Oct 28, 2008 12:47 am Date Climbed: Oct 24, 2008

Standard Route  Sucess!

A beautiful leg-stretcher to break a long day's drive from SF to Portland. This has to be the best "drive-by scramble" on the I-5 corridor.

Adamus - Sep 4, 2007 5:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 31, 2007

NW Gully  Sucess!

Fun, easy little scramble. The road was a little rough up until the PCT. I think the drive took longer than the climb! Still worth it though. Good view.


leftfield - May 16, 2007 12:37 am Date Climbed: May 12, 2007

Route Climbed - the easy one  Sucess!

We were heading down to climb Shasta and figured what the hell. 23 minutes from trailhead to top.

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