Pretty Nuts, II, WI 4

Pretty Nuts, II, WI 4

2nd Pitch- 200’- WI 4/ If the sustained portion of this pillar were any longer, it would be more deserving of a 5 grade. Proceed from the top of the first pitch over to your left and to the base of an obvious pillar curtain. There are good trees to the left to belay from. It looks short, but once on top of the pillar, you have to creep along easy ice quite a bit to belay off of a tree. This steep pillar (photo) is a fun pitch, definitely worth doing, but can be bypassed on your way to the final main pitch. Pretty Nuts, II, WI 4, Kicking Horse Canyon, Golden, BC, Canadian Rockies Ice, January, 2008
Dow Williams
on Feb 5, 2008 11:17 am
Image Type(s): Ice Climbing
Image ID: 378631


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