Pro Choice, 5.11a

Pro Choice, 5.11a

4th Pitch- 160’- 5.11a/ Move the belay over to the left if you have not already done so. There are two fixed rap stations on this ledge. Follow a stellar flake up for a couple of moves to get in position below a crescent on the blank dark wall below and left of a bolt protecting the crux move of the climb. My partner and I each tackled this move differently, he being shorter. I balanced up on a small smear feature out left to reach a solid jug straight above. He stemmed out right wide and reached a jug up and right where there is 1” pro to protect the mantle. Mantle up and follow the stellar and easy (5.8) corner up to a fixed rap station. The rock on this pitch is jet black and would be quite greasy on a warm day. Pro Choice, 5.11a, 4 Pitches, Brownstone Wall South, Juniper Canyon, Red Rocks, NV, January, 2010
Dow Williams
on Jan 14, 2010 12:29 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 589397


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