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ojo - Oct 27, 2011 6:50 am - Hasn't voted

first column...?

The oringinal "name" in the list is from...? Rather than attempt to edit the table (which is confusing in html!) I'm jotting some thoughts here. I am not sure, though, at fist glance, where the "names" list comes from...

First thoughts:
The following are used on maps and I suppose are Aragon or Fabla words:-
Sarrio - wild goat ?
Hoz - ravine or narrow pass.
Mallo - pinacle.
Gorgo/basa - other names for ibon or lake.

Mata: I think this comes from "ArBUsto" (SP) - bush or better still, "undergrowth" perhaps?(E).

Clay (E) - arcilla (SP)

Deep (E) - profundo (SP)

Aroyo (SP) - Water Stream (E) - I would just put "stream"

Fuen: Fuente (SP) - spring (E). (FOUNTAIN is Fuente, yes but not in the mountains but a man-made fountain found in a garden etc).

Pedrera/Pedregal/Canchal (SP) - Scree (E)


visentin - Oct 27, 2011 8:46 am - Hasn't voted

Re: first column...?

The first columns is just names or name parts found here and there in places names across the Pyrenees. I "merged" several lists of this kind found on internet. For example, Campbielh, Néouvielle, Gourgs Blancs, Vignemale and Maupas are names whose meaning can be deduced from such list.
Don't worry about editing, the HTML looks horrible I admit but that's apparently the only way to show it as a grid. I'll include your thoughts as you post them as comments. Any knowledge in Catalan by the way ?


eza - Oct 27, 2011 11:28 am - Hasn't voted

Re: first column...?

No, I don't really speak Catalan, but if I take a look at maps or books I might be able to lend a hand with that... Will try to do so

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 11:56 am - Hasn't voted

Re: first column...?

Mata and arbusto are different things ojo. A mata has many stems growing from the ground. An arbusto has a trunk wich divides into some branches and its height is usually over 150 cm meanwhile the mata's height is less than that

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 3:52 pm - Hasn't voted

English to Spanish

Chamois = rebeco = sarrio (Aragonese)


visentin - Oct 29, 2011 2:35 am - Hasn't voted

Re: first column...?

Sarrio - wild goat ? => as far as I know the English themselves call them Chamois using the french word. A goat is a different animal despite the same word is often used in toponyms to design both
Scree=> I suppose instead of slope of fallen rocks ? (Arraillé)
First comment incorporated now into the table. Next... :)

ojo - Oct 27, 2011 10:13 am - Hasn't voted


Well..not much, but with Ricky's help (he's pure Aragonese by the way) I'm sure we can come up with a word here and there.

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 11:50 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Catalan

English to Catalan:

Lake = estany
River = riu
Range = serra
Mountain = pic
Peak = pica
Pass = coll

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 11:57 am - Hasn't voted

English to Spanish

Cairn = hito
Canyon = cañón
Edelweiss = Edelweiss, flor de las nieves
Fountain = fuente
Glacier = glaciar
Rocky = rocoso
Schrub = arbusto, mata
Village = pueblo, villa


visentin - Oct 29, 2011 3:07 am - Hasn't voted

Re: English to Spanish

Done. I havent't found Schrub

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 30, 2011 8:05 pm - Hasn't voted

Spanish to English

Arbusto = shrub, bush.
Mata = bush, shrub.


Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 11:59 am - Hasn't voted

French to Spanish

Cirque = circo
Col = collado
Glacé = helado
Grotte = cueva
Neige = nieve
Pré = pradera

ojo - Oct 27, 2011 2:16 pm - Hasn't voted

sopa de letras :)

SHRUB is arbusto, YES. (Watch spelling!)

OK, "mata" I give up on. Is it ONE PLANT or a bunch of low lying plants? I

"Matoral" (SP) could be "(dense or thick) undergrowth" (E)- area con mucha vegetacion baja...

Sorry, but "fountain" in English is a fountain that spouts up as you might find in a garden or on a roundabout (glorieta). A "fuente" in the mountains usually means a "spring" (a source of water).

MOJON - also HITO - (SP - Aragonese?) is the word often used for a cairn.

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 3:46 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: sopa de letras :)

Hito is not in Aragonese, it's in Spanish. Matorral (with two Rs) is the plural for mata ojo...


visentin - Oct 29, 2011 3:09 am - Hasn't voted

Re: sopa de letras :)

Spring instead of fountain ? resurgence ?

Where are in the list Vértice, Ice and Frost ?

ojo - Oct 27, 2011 2:50 pm - Hasn't voted

sopa de letras 2

Until I see some of the Spanish translations given for the “names” list, I'm not sure of quite a few, but for now here are some more (and sorry, English – Spanish in random order which doesn't make editing any easier).

King = rey

Wind = viento (Don’t understand the two together in the list).

Dam = presa

Caught water stream = I don’t understand this phrase!

Path, bridleway, footpath. (man-made path) = camino / senda (SP)

Path made by animals/animal track (E) = trocha (SP)

Sword = Espada

Knife = Cuchillo.

Trig. point/ triangulation station = Vértice (man-made summit marker)

Fir tree = Abeto

Pine forest = Pinar

Frozen = helado/helada

Ice = hielo

Frost = escarcha (normally morning frost)

Dew = rocío/rosada

Dry = seco/seca

Pasture/Field/Meadow (they are different, but) = prado/pradera

Block or Boulder? = canto/bloques (grandes)?

Old or ancient? = viejo/vieja/mayor/anciano/anciana/antigualla?

Aguja = pinacle

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 27, 2011 3:54 pm - Hasn't voted

English to Spanish

Ancient = antiguo
Boulder = bloque


visentin - Oct 29, 2011 8:40 am - Hasn't voted

Re: sopa de letras 2

> Prise d'eau: seems that hydrant is the word, but I'm not sure. I mean something artificial on a river in order to catch its water.

> I see some of the Spanish translations given for the “names” list
Some of the sources I used also included some Spanish name commonly found in order to explain them (all sources I used were intended for French readers). But I think they're getting odd if we make the present "international" list. Words from nowadays spoken Spanish need to be removed (or merged elsewhere).

But if you see some of this name roots also into a Spanish form, don't hesitate to include them into the first column (for example Seilh = Seil, I remembered Rafa's name for Seilh de la Bacque = Seil de Baco)

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - Oct 30, 2011 8:11 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: sopa de letras 2

Why not that?

Fuente = drinking fountain (if it's built for drinking)
Fuente (de río) = source (of a river)

ojo - Oct 31, 2011 6:36 am - Hasn't voted

Re: sopa de letras 2 FUENTE

Totally agree. "Fuente" on a map often marks a drinking fountain. By the way, does "cauce" mean river source or simply channel or riverbed ...?

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