Reids Peak Climber's Log

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hgrapid - Jul 16, 2024 1:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2024

Not terribly difficult  Sucess!

Went to the saddle between Reids and Bald Mountain and climbed up Reids. Not too difficult, but there was some very light rain.


BKiser90 - Jul 14, 2024 5:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2024

WMBR  Sucess!

Climbed the Wasatch County HP, Murdock Mountain, Bald Mountain and Reids Peak. Lovely day in the Uintas. Pretty doable little loop. The hardest portion is descending to the saddle from Bald and then going up Reids. Choose your lines as you can keep it a class 2 or go all the way up to Class 4 on the ridge proper.


aobbard - Jul 26, 2021 8:16 pm Date Climbed: Jul 24, 2021

Beautiful and not difficult  Sucess!

From Bald Mtn TH via Notch Mtn trail. Like a twin of Bald, minus the trail and the crowds. Similar peak elevation and feel as nearby Agassiz, Hayden, Kletting, A-1, but much easier and quicker than any of them. The approach to the actual climb is on maintained trail and then easy, open cross-country.


orandall - Jul 7, 2021 3:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2021

Notch Lake/SE Ridge  Sucess!

Fun scramble via Notch Lake Trail. Saved time on descent via 3rd class chimneys that we totally missed on way up. Just under 5 hours CTC.

neotoma - Aug 18, 2020 12:33 am Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2020

Tough but lots of fun!  Sucess!

Climbed this after Bald Mountain, but went back to the Bald Mountain Pass trailhead and approached from the Bald Mountain Trail to the south and skirted along the edge of the boulder field to the climb up to the saddle. There is a very faint trail and occasional rock cairn leading up to the saddle, about 2/3 up the mountain then along the south face over to the west face -- after that you're on your own to the summit climbing the SW side. Nothing harder than class 3 on that route, but definitely used my scrambling skills. A lot of loose scree and rocks climbing up the SW to the summit. Signed the summit register, last visitor had been on 8/14/2020. What a view, what a peak. Loved this one! Nobody else on the trail. 4 hours start to finish. Recommend a helmet, a few places along vertical cliffs and very steep climbing where a rock coming down would be very not fun. Saw a few clumps of mountain goat fur in the bushes (and scat) but no actual goats.

Standing on the top of the saddle, I was kinda' wishing I had done Reids Peak first and then just shot up the other side of the saddle to summit Bald Mountain... thought about trying it anyway but was running out of daylight so went with the route I knew from the trip up to get back to my car. Next time.

sipho - Jul 12, 2020 6:00 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2020

Up and over Bald Mountain and then up and down Reids Peak  Sucess!

Five of us with the Wasatch Mountain Club and an 8 year old border collie (not a dues-paying member) took the main trail up Bald Mountain. Then we hiked down the spine on Bald to the saddle between the peaks. We then mostly followed the SE spine up Reids. Towards the top there were some large blocks that the dog couldn't handle. So he and his owner followed a shelf to the left below one of the final rock bands and then up the loose rock to the summit. They actually beat the rest of us to the summit. Met a mountain goat on the summit who was unconcerned about us and the dog. It wandered by from 50 to 30 feet away.

We skipped the spine for the most part on the descent (stayed to the right) and traversed below the saddle. Visited the nearest of the small lakes (much to the dog's delight) and then contoured SW to hit the Notch Mountain Trail.


utahjimk - Jul 12, 2020 4:36 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2020

after Bald Mountain  Sucess!

with Wasatch Mountain Club group. Topped Bald Mt, then to separating saddle and up SE ridge to summit. Back down to saddle, and down to beautiful meadows and small lakes seen from summit to intersect Clegg Lake trail back to TH, completing a fine loop.


cjwolf100 - Nov 11, 2019 5:05 pm Date Climbed: Jun 7, 2019

Skiing the shoulder of Reids Peak  Sucess!

2019 was an epic winter so we were fortunate to be able to ski into June. Sean and I took our snowmobiles up Mirror Lake Highway almost to the summit and then exited towards Reids as our goal was to ski the southwest shoulder. We parked out sleds at the bottom and hiked up the steep and firm chute. It was so steep that we had to help each other get our skis on but once the skis were on- you felt self and confident. The chute as about 500 vertical of nice spring corn. For a full report check out

Rocky Alps

Rocky Alps - Oct 6, 2019 9:00 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2019

Southeast Ridge  Sucess!

Did a loop hike with Kendrick from the Bald Mountain trailhead, passing a couple yummy patches of huckleberries on the way to the saddle between Reids and Bald. We then went up the southeast ridge, which has some awesome scrambling. We stayed right on the ridge for the first half, then stayed on the slopes to the left as it got steeper near the top (going behind a couple mountain goats who must’ve thought we were following them). On the way back up to Bald Mountain we encountered some snow, but upon summiting it was an easy descent back down the trail to the bottom. Great day in the mountains. See "Huckleberries, Goats, & [Mostly] Solid Rock" trip report for details.


builttospill - Sep 22, 2017 7:57 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2017

Reids Peak  Sucess!

Took the Notch Lake trail, then went cross-country to the saddle between Reids and Bald Mountain. Climbed the ridge to Reids, descended back to the saddle, then climbed Bald Mountain and descended the Bald Mountain trail back to the parking lot. A pretty nice little loop. I avoided some of the direct parts of the ridge to Reids, since I had my dog with me. Ended up bushwhacking off the ridge a bit.


mountaingazelle - Mar 19, 2015 1:13 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2007

Reids  Sucess!

Forgot to sign the log for this peak for some reason. I've been up Bald several times but enjoyed Reids much more. Fun route up the southeast ridge.

utclimber - Jun 24, 2012 5:12 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2012

Bald and Reids  Sucess!

Hiked up Bald Mountain, then traversed over to Reids. Descended SW off the saddle to meet the trail.


Moogie737 - Jun 8, 2010 6:31 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2010

Via Bald Mountain  Sucess!

With ZeeJay. Climbed Bald Mtn and Reids Peak in lieu of Kletting and A-1 because high stream flows on the Hayden Fork prevented us from our first choice. But these two were fine. The downclimb from Bald Mtn to the saddle en route to Reids Peak was tortuous because of ice and 2" or 3" of snow on most of the never-ending boulders. This activity is a character builder, right? :)


kteichert - Sep 6, 2009 4:47 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2009

Had to do it  Sucess!

My friend and I planned to hike Bald Mountain and Murdock yesterday. We did Bald first, and surveying the easiness of Murdock, and it's inglorious mound of a summit, and seeing the stark contrast of Reids Peak, I decided Reids would be the much better hike if I were going to bag 2 peaks in one day. I left the top of Bald Mtn at 10:15, and reached the summit of Reids at 11:05 am via the northwest ridge of Bald, to the saddle and up the southeast ridge of Reids. I had my dog with me and there was only one cliff band that I had to lift her up. The rest she was able to do on her own. Fun scramble and amazing peak! Loved it!


Kadee - Dec 16, 2008 12:19 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2006

SE Ridge from Notch Mtn Trail  Sucess!

There wasn't much snow left, but I did see a couple guys hiking up and skiing down the little bit of snow that was left. To gain the ridge was pretty steep, but once on the ridge the fun began. It's always fun in the Uintas.


byates - Dec 7, 2008 11:03 pm

Via Bald  Sucess!

have always done in combo with other nearby peaks.


ZeeJay - May 24, 2008 11:10 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2010

Interesting peak  Sucess!

6/8/2010 With Moogie737. Bald then Reids then back to Bald and out.
5/24/2008 Skied to about 11300' and then booted the rest of the way along the southeast ridge. MOCKBA, Rob, and I started at mile 25.5 on the Mirror Lake Highway and skied a loop encompassing East Notch Mountain and Reids Peak.
8/18/2001 With lesdubois via Bald Mt.

Travis Atwood

Travis Atwood - Sep 9, 2007 1:32 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2007

Route Climbed: Southeast Ridge  Sucess!

A very fun scramble along the ridge with some spectacular views and exposure. I dropped to the side in a few spots that were out of my comfort level, but followed the ridge for most of the way. Overall this is a great peak to climb.

marauders - Sep 8, 2007 10:09 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2007

Route Climbed: Southeast Ridge Direct  Sucess!

Fantastic climb. One of my favorites so far in the Wasatch/Uinta Ranges. Rather than skirting around the ridge proper, stay right on the ridge for a phenomenal 5.4 climb. Great atmostphere, views, solitude and fun exposure. This is a must do. Only a half day route, if that.

Jeremy Franchow

Jeremy Franchow - Aug 4, 2006 1:10 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2006

Route Climbed: SE Ridge  Sucess!

Climbed Bald, descended to the saddle between the two mountains, ascended SE ridge. An easy climb with just a few optional cliff bands to negotiate. Easy access, great views, and nobody else around!

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