Revealed !

Revealed !

Dedicated to all SP members, those recovering, ... and those no longer with us except in spirit: NOTE: "During the last several years, the Navajos have frowned upon ascending Ship Rock. PLEASE CLICK link for updated beta!" (Tse` Bit` A'i` - "Rock With Wings") Shiprock Peak is the "neck" or remains of a solidified lava core, of a dormant 40 million year old volcanic pinnacle. It's shaped somewhat like a 19th century Clipper Ship with high trap- dykes running north from Utah and south from the main spire and rising about 1,800' above the four-corner's New Mexican plain. It's elevation is 7,178 feet above sea level. It lies about 13 miles southwest of the town of Shiprock, New Mexico, and 6 miles west of Highway 666. It is also visible from Dzil Na`'oodilii (Mountain Around Which Traveling was Done), which is about 40 to 50 miles east of Shiprock Peak. The pinnacle was called the "Needle" by Captain J.F. McComb in 1860. The name 'Shiprock' apparently came into use in the 1870s as indicated by the U.S. Geological Survey Maps. The Anglo-American legend is while they were in the area they noticed the similarity between the rock and the 19th century Clipper sailing ship of the time, giving it the name "Shiprock." Until Oct. of 1939, its ragged and sheer sides had never been climbed. Climbers from the Sierra Club of California made the first ascent. The legality of climbing Ship Rock falls squarely into the "gray area." The following Navajo legend illustrates the reason why the Navajo (Dine`) resent the climbing of their Tse`Bit'A'i`: A long time ago the Dine` were hard pressed by their enemies. One night their medicine men prayed for their deliverance, having their prays heard by the Gods. They caused the ground to rise, lifting the Dine`, and moved the ground like a great wave into the east away from their enemies. It settled where Shiprock Peak now stands. These Navajos then lived on the top of this new mountain, only coming down to plant their fields and to get water. For some time, all went well. Then one day during a storm, and while the men were working in the fields, the trail up the rock was split off by lightning and only a sheer cliff was left. The women, children and old men on the top slowly starved to death, leaving their bodies to settle there. Therefore, because of this legend, the Navajos do not want anyone to climb Shiprock for fear of stirring up the ch'iidii, or rob their corpses. ~Harrison Lapahie, Navajo Nation, (1997)~ ~photo taken by Kathryn M. Wilde, Museum of Northern Arizona, (1991)~
on Feb 3, 2008 4:56 pm
Image Type(s): Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 378024


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Ejnar Fjerdingstad

Ejnar Fjerdingstad - Feb 4, 2008 11:49 am - Voted 10/10

A wonderful

peak, and from the article by Klenke it seems it may be climbed?


lcarreau - Feb 4, 2008 2:17 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: A wonderful

peak? Yes, I agree.
"The legality of climbing Ship Rock falls
squarely into the "grey area."

Please CLICK!
Ship Rock is the remnants of a volcanic neck
or plug. It consists of dark, crumbly basalt
and yellow tuff breccia. The tuff has great
friction qualities when at low angle, but the
"higher-angled stuff" is covered in thin,
rotten flakes and has few cracks. In climbing
terms, the cracks are "incipient."

Ejnar Fjerdingstad

Ejnar Fjerdingstad - Feb 4, 2008 6:17 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: A wonderful

I think that it is only natural that the Navajo want people to show respect, but provided that is done, it then is climbable. Not that I have any such intentions at my age :-(


lcarreau - Feb 4, 2008 6:44 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: ~ smiling ~

I don't have any intentions to climb it
either, Ejnar. As always, thanks for the
insightful comments! In my humble opinion,
this landmark looks GREAT from the parking
lot! Here on SP, the views are FREE!!!

Ice Man Jerry Van

Ice Man Jerry Van - Nov 18, 2008 10:21 pm - Voted 10/10

I would respect The Dineh or The Peoples wish very much

Belaguannas sometimes forget to respect The Dineh. I have friends of the people who I ask which places to climb in the four corners with their blessings. Thank you so much for your information of Shiprock.


lcarreau - Nov 18, 2008 10:42 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: I would respect The Dineh or The Peoples wish very much

Thanks, Ice Man! I suppose there's always a
bit of controversy involved with some of the
famous stone monuments of the West.

What on earth does "Belaguannas" mean???
(Could you please give me a hint?)


Ice Man Jerry Van

Ice Man Jerry Van - Dec 3, 2008 9:41 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: I would respect The Dineh or The Peoples wish very much

I am not sure of the spelling I have some Navajo friends that they say that is what they call white people . What is the word the Navajo use.


lcarreau - Dec 3, 2008 9:52 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: I would respect The Dineh or The Peoples wish very much

I suppose I could just speak for myself in
stating that even though I posted this photo
of Shiprock, I have never climbed it or even
felt the need to climb it. If someone else is
interested, of course I advise them to go
through the proper channels and have the
up-most respect and courtesy for all the
people and people's property they come across.


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