Schooling ducklings

Schooling ducklings

As is the case in early summer the occasion presents itself to observe a family of ducks with the parent trying to teach its offspring the basics for survival... I guess that with such little people the aerobics craze prevails for obvious reasons which explain why the parent is on a pier waiting in earnest for the offspring to jump the hurdle...It just goes to prove how brainy such little folks can be considering such a highly developed capacity for anticipation that first has to be thought out with the goal in mind... And most folks don't understand the emotional consequences there are to such little folks once hunting them...It definitely makes you think twice about becoming a supremacist fascist which figures that ordinairy folks the object of degradation and accompanying marginalisation don't suffer any emotional distress being deemed as too stupid to understand... I guess that we can't choose the way we are born despite being held accountable...But then maybe the thrill of causing hardship is what some want being happy to observe the distress they cause in others...
on Oct 21, 2007 3:45 pm
Image ID: 349605


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