Page Type Page Type: Area/Range
Location Lat/Lon: 19.5°S / 43.5°W
Activities Activities: Hiking, Mountaineering, Sport Climbing, Bouldering, Canyoneering
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Elevation: 5915 ft / 1803 m
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Serra do Cipó Resume

Topping the charts in the natural records books as the park with the greatest number of plants per square meter on the planet, the Serra do Cipó National Park wins the title of "The World's Largest Garden". More than 1,600 species of flowers decorate the land, their delicate forms set against a backdrop of an endless list of waterfalls and unique layers of rock, formed during the pre-Cambrian era when the entire region was underwater. For centuries humans have been overwhelmed by the mystical intrigue of the region, enhanced by the abundance of crystals and cave inscriptions. While this description so far may be reminiscent of a fairy-tale, true adventure enthusiasts must know that the soaring cliffs and waterfalls, endless trails, streams and lakes perfect for rappelling, canyoing, hiking, biking, and horse-back riding offer plenty of adrenaline-fueled opportunities. To truly indulge your senses, kayak the Cipó River, which cuts through brilliant fields of flowers.
Serra do CipóNeedles - Serra do Cipó


Serra do Cipó is the southern border of Espinhaço Range, reaching 1800m at the highest altiplanes in Travessão Mountains. Serra do Cipó National Park was created to protect this mountains of humans, keeping the progress far away. There are 4 main group of mountains inside National Park: Serra da Cabeça do Boi ( Bull’s Head Range ), Serra Alto do Palácio ( Travessão Mountains – Palace Range ), Serra da Lagoa Dourada ( Golden Lake Range ) and, Serra da Moreninha ( Little Brunette Range ). A lot of peaks are unnamed and unknown, because the area is very far of any town or village. Actually, the trekking is finding and opening trails to discovery this untouched mountains. There are big valleys, great waterfalls and canyons inside the National Park perimeter. All of them, are necessary hours walking to approach.
Serra do CipóSerra do Cipó Range


Serra do Cipó - Espinhaço South Border, inside parallels 19 - 20°S and, 43 – 44°W.

Getting There

Serra do Cipó is in the heart of the state of Minas Gerais. Fly into Belo Horizonte. The trip from Belo Horizonte is approximately 63 miles by MG-010 road to north. It’s localized at Santana do Riacho town. Plates indicates the right way to access the entrance of the National Park. Guides are necessary to reach the altiplanes and mountains, not demarcated in maps.
Rio de Janeiro : 563 km
São Paulo : 684 km
Belo Horizonte : 100 km

Access Map to Serra do Cipó
Serra do Cipó

Trekking inside Serra do Cipó National Park

All distances from the entrance of Cipó NP.

Travessão Mountains ( Serra Alto do Palácio )
Distance: 15 km ( 3 – 4 hours )
Difficult : Hard

Farofa Waterfall
Distance : 6 km ( 2 – 3 hours )
Difficult : Medium

Bandeirinha Canyon
Distance : 12 km ( 4 – 5 hours )
Difficult : Medium

At the main entrance you can ask about the guide service to climb mountains or, hiking to the Serra do Boi Altiplane, because the access is forbidden if you don’t know the way ( Federal rules )

Where to Stay

Hotels & Lodges: Serra do Cipó
Fazenda Monjolos Pousada
Address: MG-010 to Serro, 95 km mark
Phone: (5531) 3718-7011
Pousada das Pedras
Address: MG-010 to Serro, 100 km mark
Phone: (5531) 3344-8238
Pousada Chão da Serra
Address: MG-010 to Serro, 99.5 km
Phone: (5531) 3718-7040
Cipó Veraneio
Address: MG-010, km 95
Phone: (5531) 3651-4000
D'Elber Pousada
Address: km 96,5 MG-010
Phone: (5531) 3718-7336
Fazenda Pousada Grande Pedreira
Address: km 100 MG-010
Phone: (5531) 3718-7007
Pousada Canto das Águas
Addres: km 95,5 MG-010
Phone: (5531) 3718-7037
Pousada Canto Verde
Address: MG-010 km 95,
Phone: (5531) 3718-7022
Pousada Serra Morena
Address: Vau da Lagoa road, km 5 (Fazenda Serra Morena)
Phone: (5531) 9977-1421 or (5531) 3486-1421
Rancho Cipó Pousada Rural
Address: km 99 of MG-010 to Serro,
Phone: (5531) 3718-7200
Pousada Varandas da Serra
Address: MG-010 to Serro, km 99,5
Phone: (5531) 3718-7031 3273-8400

Best Time of Year to Trekking

The ideal time of year to visit the Serra do Cipó is during the dry season from April to November. Pluvial Tax is 700mm/year and, around 300 sunny days/year.

Santana do Riacho - Serra do Cipó Weather