Then from the Aosta Valley goes to the City of Ivrea and Turin, first with East direction and then to Chatillon, Saint Vincent, South East towards reaching the Piedmont Region. The Northern Slope is very extensive and offers a series of valleys that reach the perpendicular from North to South (Saint Barthélemy, Valtournanche, Ayasse and Gressoney or Lys); in addition to these, small vallons, but above all, large terraces (left to mark the retirement of the great Balteus Glacier that from Mount Blanc reached with his left lateral moraine, known as "the Serra", the gates of the City of "Eporedia") are exposed to the sun before the passing of Baltea. These high basins (Blavy, Sénevé, Comba Dèche with this that wedges and more parallel to the Valley of Saint Barthélemy, Hill Nus and plateau Verrayes/Saint Denis, High Hill Chatillon under the Mount Zerbion) offer many and varied opportunities for hiking snowshoeing or just walking. In addition to Verrès with its castle square and the "Lower Valley", the same is considerably reduced in number, as the area that reaches Pont Saint Martin becomes somewhat rocky lending itself more to climbing sport. Also here is something, but it's more explorers and do not want to take away the joy of discovery ...
"Hummm! Better to remove them ... / Hummm! Meglio toglierle ... ", by emilius
Blavy/Senevé, Comba Dèche, Trois Villes-Effraz, Verrayes/Saint Denis, Nuarsaz Areas, Verrès Promontory.
It reaches from Aosta (583m), Saint Christophe (620m), Quart (548m), Nus (535m), Verrayes (1.026m), Saint Denis (803m), Chatillon (549m), Saint Vincent (575m), Emarese (1.048m), Verrès (390m) Municipalities.Central & Middle Eastern small Valleys (From Aosta to Verrès Towns)"The rackets cut the Fog ... / Le racchette taglian la Nebbia ...", by emilius
^^^^^^^1) - Basic Itinerary n° 1 with Variant n° 1: from Saint Christophe-Prevot (about
640m; + Santa Anna Church), reached by Regional Road from Aosta Town, towards Fontanalle Fraction
(649m), alternative
692 meters neighbor Passerin d'Entrèves Castle and cross
730 meters to important Sorreley Village (
790m; San Gottardo Chapel); from this, with Municipal, towards Veynes Fraction (
805m; San Rocco Chapel), Cote de Sorreley, main point alternative before Lumian (+;
*** in East deviation to Cretallaz, Jeanceyaz, Morgonaz Villages at the entrance on Senevé Comba). Always on asphalt road in Northwest, to Parléaz or Parleyaz Village (
1.274m; S.S. Margherita and Bernardo little Church; Napoleonic Chimney on an old house); continue in homonym Comba and, crossing Parleyaz Torrent, through four large winding road reach Blavy Hamlet (
1.475m; fountain just under San Bernardo beautiful little Church with sundial on South wall and inscription
"Le temps et la Jeunesse sont un passage comme le soleil et son hombrage"). From this, with path in North into forest to
"Piscina" (1.530m), Varbre Alp (
1.667m; ruins) and, bending East, to
b) - Lower Viou Alp (
2.078m; source) and, through small path in East into forest, to Upper or Tsa de Viou Pasture (
M-; 3h'20/3h'40).
Variant n° 1) - (surely better route by snowshoes): from Blavy (
1.494m signal no transit just after the village) continue with dirt road before in Northwest, passing the forks
1.512 meters (to an isolated alpage),
1.527m (to Praperiaz Alp
1.737m); after, tourning progressively Northeast to Varbre and, crossing more in over Parleyaz Torrent, to Viou Alp (
2.078m; source
15 meters below the house;
F+; 3h'45/4h'15), below Becca of Viou
(2.856m)/Mont Mary
2 ) - Exceptional Via n° 1 and Variant n° 2: from Blavy to Upper Blavy Pasture, with previous route; from this, through path diagonal in North-northwest under the West Slope of Mont Mary; towards a small basin (very tiny source below a votive Cross), following rocky promontory with a small saddle (
2.313m; immediately before a second more wide stone basin, in altitude around
2.290 meters). Continue on short diagonal followed by a series of hairpin bends in narrow zig-zag up to a aerial promontory; through a terminal diagonal in opposite (delicate with high snow not transformed) to Viou Hill
(2.698m) and neighbor Penne Nere Bivouac
(2.730m). Through easy, short East-southeast Crest to Becca of Viou (
M-; 2h'00/2h'15 from Tsa), among Valpelline/Roisan/Aosta/Saint Chistophe adjacent Municipalities.
Variant n° 2) -: from Lower Viou Alp, leaving East the path to the Tsa de Viou, continue directly in North into a small grassy-debris walloon reaching the preceding route nearby the first small basin (convenient way with snow already well-turned and hard; very often this part of the climb is frozen or snow mixed with ice
1h'40/2h'10) from alpage.
"Viou Alpages below Viou Hill & Becca", by emilius
^^^^^^^3) - Minimum Route n° 1 and Variants n° 3 and 4: from Parléaz or Parleyaz Village
(1.274m), with preceding route on dirt road, to small Blavy Hamlet; from this, with dirt farms road in North, leaving East the first, to second alternative (
1.527m; in East to Viou and Tsa de Viou Alpages); continue North and, towards Plasse Pasture (
1.659m; ruins), leaving in bottom the path to Méanaz Pastures (+;
1.537m) to Praperia(z) Alp (
1.737m (
T/E; 2h'00/2h'15).
Variant n° 3) -: from Parleaz, doubling North or South the same and leaving West the dirt road, continue Northwest through path into forest of a very small vallon and, crossing Parleyaz Torrent, to Blavy (calculate in
less than half hour; not recommended in the presence of very high snow, because preferable the other routes
"more open").
Variant n° 4) - and Minimun Route n° 2: from Roisan Commune-Crétaz (around
870/80m; + San Vittore Chapel) with dirt road to Preyl Village (signal no transit); from this to reach the fork
972 meters. Abandoning the dirt road and through a small path towards point
1.168 meters (+), alternative
1.260 meters, again with dirt road, to
1) -, in Northeast through a small path, alternative
1.246 meters and Blavy. Aso in Southeast with private dirt farms road towards
2) - alternative
1.300 meters (from Parleyaz; moreover connection between the two routes) to Blavy (
T/E; 2h'30/2h'45).
"Becca of Viou Standard Route from Viou Hill viewed from Mont Mary", by emilius
^^^^^^^4) - Basic Itinerary n° 2: from Saint Christophe-Prevot towards East deviation near Lumian
(984m), following alternative (
1.215m; in West to Parleyaz/Blavy Hamlets) to Cretallaz (
1.087m; + San Leonardo little Churc), Jeanceyaz, Morgonaz (
1.181m; parking) Villages and Prayon Pastures
(1.262m), with Municipal Road between Saint Chistophe/Quart Communes. From pasture through dirt farms road before in West (immediately after signal no transit); continue North towards Les Ayettes
(1.463m), Borelly
(1.483m). Abandoning North the dirt road to Vernier/Rapailles Pastures
(1.582m, 1.620m), always on dirt road to Chamerod
(1.615m) old Village and Les Preyes or Prèles also Preilles
(1.745m, 1.777m, 1.791m, 1.898m) Alpages at the end of dirt road; from this last, through path in North, crossing the forest and passing an ancient alp
2.023 meters, to Senevé or Cénevé Alp (
2.199m; water outlet just in West;
F+; 2h'30/2h'45), in homonym Basin and below the small range Mont Mary/Tête d'Arpisson/Pointe de Senevé/Tsaat à l'Etsena/Becchi di Fana.
"Mont Fallère ascending to Senevé Comba", by emilius
^^^^^^^5) - Exceptional Via n° 2 and Variant n° 5: from Senevé Alp, through grassy, moraines and blocks in North-northwest to Chaudière Northeast Pass
(2.746m), with a debris South Slope more steep in final part; from pass, leaving right the Southwest Crest to Tête d'Arpisson, continue left on ridge with short traverse to Les Prèles
(around 2.755 meters ), Chamerod
(about 2.750/5 meters) little Summits and following Mont Mary (
D; 3h '30/3h '45).
Variant n° 5: from alp, over the outlet, go directly to Mont Mary, through the Southeast Slope (
M; 2h'30/3h'00).
6) - Basic Itinerary n° 3: from Saint Christophe-Prevot, Baracca, Monastero, Ramoise, Vallerod Villages also from Quart Commune, Villair, Epilaz (below Quart Castle), Povil
(695m), Argnod Villages or from SR.26 nearby La Plantaz (
better), with Regional and Municipal Roads, towards Chétoz, Clou de Chétoz, Argnod
(829m), Vignil
(946m), Fornail
(1.082m), Viile sur Nus-Planeville
(1.113m), Buignod
(1.135m), Porsan
(1.299m) Villages to Trois Villes-Avisod Village (
1.398m; fountain). From this, leaving back a little church on grassy promontory, through dirt farms road in Northwest to Lower and Upper Champchamoussin
(around 1.660m, 1.851m), Latta
(1.935m) Pastures; from this last, through a long diagonal West passing above Chavod Alp
(2.029m), to Senevé Alpages (
F+; 2h'45/3h'00).
"Rest & Food in Senevé Alpage ... ", by itself, emilius Collection
^^^^^^^7) - Variant n° 6 and Exceptional Via n° 3: from dirt road from Latta Alp and immediately before Senevé Alp to rocky promontory
(about 2.350 meters); doubling the same North also crossing, through a linear diagonal on a small path, to Passo Alto often with snowy frames in final part (High Pass;
M+; 2h'00/2h'15;
3h'30 from Avisod Village).
8) - Variant n° 7: and Exceptional Via n° 4: from dirt road just after Latta Alp to fork in altitude
2.030 meters around; from this, through a path in Southeast into forest, to Cornet Pass
(2.280m). From pass traverse in South on easy grassy-rock crest to Croix de Fana (+ Fana great Cross;
M+; 1h'30/2h'00;
3h '00 from Avisod Village).
9) - Exceptional Via n° 5: from Trois Villes-Fonteil (
1.423m; two parkings, small top after the last
"baita" (departure signals) and great down in bottom (panneaux and various signals; good stone fountain amongst the houses) to Croix de Fana (
D-; 2h'30/2h'45), through path in North on South slopes, Northwest on Southeast Crest in terminal part.
"To Passo Alto (in right) ... ", by Antonio
^^^^^^^10) - Basic Itinerary n° 4: from Fonteil, through dirt farms road in North-northeast, towards Nouva
(1.733m) Pasture, subsequent alternative (
1.640m; to Chauvay, Dovian, Cré
1.652m Pastures), Brunier
(1.761m), Clavel
(1.994m), La Seyvaz
(2.184m), Valchourda Alps
(2.392m) to important and in times past popular Saint Barthélemy Hill (traverse with descent to Verdona(z) Vallon in Valpelline;
F+; 4h'00/4h'30), between Becca Conge
(2.953m)/Pointe Verdona.
Variant n° 8: from la Servaz Alpage, through diagonal path in Southeast under Western slopes of Grand Pays, to Col Collet
(2.500m), between Grand Pays
(2.221m)/Becca d'Aveuille or Aveille also Avouille (
F+; 2h'20/2h'40).
11) - Exceptional Via n° 6: from Valchourda Alp, below Becca Conge/Saint Barthélemy Hill/Pointe Verdona
(2.868m)/Faroma Pass (
2.741m; crossing and descent to Comba Vessona(z) in Valpelline), through path in Southeast on Western Slope, to Lechy Hill
(2.585m); from hill easy traverse on watershed to Grand Pays (
D-; 2h'30/2h'45).
12) - Minimum Route n° 3: from
a) - the preceding route from Villair de Quart or from
b) - (better) La Plantaz in State Road to Ville sur Nus-Planeville
(1.113m); from this, towards Buignod
(1.135m), Avion
(1.312m) Villages. Also from
c) - Porsan
(1.299m), Trois Villes
(1.398m), Monument to Partisan
(1.364m), Avion to alternative
1.250 meters around, Effraz Village
(1.487m), with Municipal Roads. From Effraz towards Le Rion or Ronc
(1.737m) to Machaussy Alps, through dirt roads in Northeast (around
T/E; 1h'30/1h'45 from Effraz), below Southern Face of Becca d'Aveuille.
"From East to Becca d'Aveuille or Avouille", by Antonio
^^^^^^^13) - Basic Itinerary n° 5: from SR.26, nearby Chambave Commune, to Regional Road; towards Ollières
(647m), Marseiller
(801m), to Verrayes Municipality (Eglise
991m; Moulin
1.005m). With Municipal Road in North towards Plan de Verrayes
1.015m), Tessellaz
(1.138m), Marquis
(1.288m), Dorinaz
(1.323m), Charrière Villages to Grand-Villa more great Hamlet
(1.437m). From this last continue West to Vencorère (
1.563m; end of road) Village; through dirt road in Northwest to Prelaz
(1.712m) Alp and subsequent
a) - Mount Ander (
M+; 2h'30/2h'45), through sparce traces on Southeast Slope; also from Prelaz Alp, with dirt road, to
b) - Filon Pass (
T/E; 0h'30 from pasture).
14) - Exceptional Via n° 7: from Grand-Villa to Loson, Petit Loson small Villages (1.525m, 1.545m; pond), Fontane, Champlong Damon (1.715m) Pastures, Bornes Alp and Hill (1.760 meters around, 1.774m), Aver Pass (about 2.330 meters), Becca of Aver (2.469m), through South Slope, and traverse to Cima of Longhede (2.416m; D; 4h'30/4h'45).
15) - Minimum Route n° 4 with Variant n° 9: from a) - Verrayes, with Regional Road, towards Del (1.260m), Plau (1.305m), Semon, Cheresoulaz (1.487m) Villages. Also from b) - Saint Denis (803m; reached from Chambave Commune, Marseiller Hamlet) with Regional Road but more in East, towards Gubioche, Etrobleyaz, Petit Bruson, to Del Villages.C*** Road Connection towards Roves, Lozon (1.520m; pond), Clavon, Fontane Villages, Pastures to Bornes Alp, Hill)
From Cheresoulaz Village to Saint Pantaléon Hill (1.650m); from this descent to Sémon Village (1.428m) through grassy fields, paths and return, with more large lap in East, in ascent to hill (Saint Evançe Tour round trip; T; 1h'00/1h'15).
Variant n° 9: from Saint Pantaléon Hill, through good muletrack in Northwest, crossing the forest almost level route and final short descent, to Bornes Hill near the homonym Alpage (torrent; signals to Becca d'Aver; T; 1h'15/1h'30).
"Winter Zerbion from Nissod Village", by emilius
^^^^^^^16) - Basic Itinerary n° 6: from Chatillon Municipality, with Municipal Road in Northeast on Chatillon High Hill, towards Merlin/Cret Blanc, Chavod, Pissin/Albard/Closel, Domianaz to Nissod Villages
(1.371m); from this, through dirt farms road in North-northeast, to Nuarsaz Alp (
T/E; 1h'30/1h'45), below Southern slopes of Mount Zerbion
17) - Exceptional Via n° 8: from Nuarsaz Alp, with dirt road in West, to Chesalet
(1.735m), Jacquémin-Giacomet
(1.777m) Alpages; from this, through path in North, to Shoulder
1.991 meters (wooden benches on a grassy flat promontory) between Franquin/Varé Woods at the beginning of Western easy and grassy Crest Mount Zerbion. Through small path-traces to Summit (
F+/M-; 3h'30/3h'45, from Nuarsaz Alp;
5h'30/6h'00, from Nissod Village).
18) - Basic Itinerary n° 7: from Saint Vincent Municipality, with Regional Road to Brusson in Val d'Ayas, to Joux Hill
(1.635m); from this in ascent through small path on Northern Slope to Western Shoulder
(around 1.930m) and following traverse, through West Crest, to Tête de Comagne (
2.106m; great cairn with Cross in Summit;
EE; 2h'45/3h'15).
"Portola Hill (right), Zerbion, Cime Botta to Joux Hill from East ... ", by Corvus
^^^^^^^19) - Basic Itinerary n° 8: from Emarese
(1.048m), with Regional Road, to Erésaz-Saint Roch
(1.163m); from this towards Grand Rhun
(1.385m), Palud (
1.605m; departure of three ski lifts, one to Comagna West Shoulder) Villages, through paths, to Joux Hill (
T/E; 1h'45/2h'00), between Saint Vincent/Emarese/Brusson Municipalities.
20) - Eastern Variant n° 10: from dirt road between Sommarese
(1.370m)/ Cuignon
(1.530m) Villages to Palud and hill.
21) - Exceptional Via n° 9 and Variant n° 11: from Joux Village, below the hill (
1.600m; reached from Saint Vincent with Main Road of preceding routes), with dirt road towards Fromy Village
(1.610m) to
a) - Mont Fromi or Croi
(1.859m), through traces. Short descent on watershed to Fromi Pass
(1.760m); from this continue North-northwest to Cime Botta (
E/F+; 2h'00/2h'15), below Picco Bellin
(2.482m)/Mont Jetire
(2.146m) on Southeast Crest Mont Zerbion.
Variant n° 11: from Partisans Chapel
(1.501m) or from Joux to Fromy Villages; continue Northwest with dirt road level route up to the end of the same in altitude
1.640 meters; tourning Northeast, through scattered traces, to
b) - Western Slope of Cime Botta (
EE/M-; 1h'45/2h'00; most direct route but requires research into the sparse vegetation).
"From Joux Hill to Cima Botta & Hill from West-southwest", by emilius
^^^^^^^22) - Variant n° 12 and n° 13: from Cuignon/Longeon Villages
(1.530m), through path on Southwestern Slope in Northeast, to Mount Zuccore
(1.882m) and, with easy crossing on waterhed, to Tête Comagne (
E/F; 2h'30/2h'45).
Variant n° 13: from Cuignon before with dirt road or concomitant path up to the altitude
1.580/90 meters around, in West below Mont Zuccore; after through path in Northeast into forest directly to Summit (
EE/F+; 2h'10/2h'20).
23) - Basic Itinerary n° 9 with small Variant n° 14: from Erésaz
(1.163m) to Chassan, through path to Cuignon, also from Cuignon/Longeon to Zuccore Hill, with Municipal Road
T; 0h '40/0h '50); descent towards Arbaz Village (
1.500m; characteristic
old "rascards", but now in ruins) to Challand Saint Anselme Municipality in Ayas Valley.
Small Variant n° 14: from Zuccore Hill (on-site
"Tsicore or Tzecore"), through small path and traces into wood, to Mount d'Arbaz (
T; 0h'15/0h'20), between Zuccore Hill/Mount Ros (
1.416m; mines
"Borna da Ghiasa").
24) - Basic Itinerary n° 10: from Verrès
(390m) to Collegiate Church of Saint Gilles (very famous and dating of the X° Century), Mount Saint Gilles (+;
T; 2h'00/2h'30), above Verrès Castle (renowned Medieval Manor building).
"Ascending to Mont Zuccore & Testa Comagna from Zuccore Hill", by emilius
"The dark spot is always the start, then it all becomes clear ... / Il punto oscuro é sempre la partenza, poi tutto schiarisce ... ", by emilius
Poi da Aosta la Valle si dirige verso le Città di Ivrea e Torino, dapprima con direzione Est fino a Chatillon e poi, da Saint Vincent, verso Sudest raggiungendo la Regione Piemonte. Questo Versante Settentrionale risulta molto esteso offrendo tutta una serie di valli che lo raggiungono in perpendicolare da Nord a Sud (Saint Barthélemy, Valtournanche, Ayasse e Gressoney o del Lys); oltre a queste, piccoli valloni ma, soprattutto, grandi terrazze (rimaste a segno del ritiro del grande Ghiacciaio Balteo che dal Monte Bianco raggiungeva con la sua morena laterale sinistra, detta "la Serra", le porte della città eporediese) s'espongono al sole davanti allo scorrer della Baltea. Questi alti bacini (Blavy, Senevé, Comba Dèche con questa che si incunea maggiormente e parallela alla Valle di Saint Barthélemy, Collina di Nus e plateau di Verrayes/Saint Denis, Alta Collina di Chatillon sotto lo Zerbion) offrono molteplici e svariate opportunità d'escursioni con racchette o semplici passeggiate. Ancor oltre e verso Verrès con il suo castello squadrato e la "Bassa Valle", le medesime diminuiscono notevolmente di numero, poiché la zona raggiungente Pont Saint Martin diventa alquanto più rocciosa prestandosi maggiormente all'arrampicata sportiva. Anche qui qualcosa si trova, ma é più da esploratori e non vogliam togliervi il piacere della scoperta ...
"I reckon upwards from here, you do not go with snowshoes ... / Mi sà che sù per quà con ste robe non si và ... ", by emilius
Remember that free camping is forbidden (except for emergency reasons, over
2.500m, from darkness until dawn).
Mountain Condition
- Meteo: you can find all the needed informations at the official site of the Valle d'Aosta Region:
- Valle d'Aosta Meteo
Important Information
Useful numbers
- Protezione Civile Valdostana località Aeroporto n° 7/A Saint Christophe (Ao) Tel. 0165-238222.
- Bollettino Meteo (weather info) Tel. 0165-44113.
- Unità Operativa di Soccorso Sanitario Tel. 118.