Sixty, 5.10a

Sixty, 5.10a

  • Sixty - 70’- 5.10a/
  • Shared start with Nine (get it, “69”), but definitely has more of a crux to over come at the finish. The start to these two routes is a short, but challenging face up a tower, then a scramble to the start of the 2nd half of each route. Sixty is to the left and Nine is to the right. Sixty works up a corner until you meet a small overhanging move to overcome on positive holds to gain the anchors which put you in a hanging stance. Seven, not six as the guide book suggest, bolts total to anchor. High School Wall, Running Scared Crag, Brian Head, UT, June, 2007
    Dow Williams
    on Jun 19, 2007 10:03 am
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 302747


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