Soldier Peak Climber's Log

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RJB - Sep 19, 2016 6:13 pm Date Climbed: Sep 17, 2016

Western Ridge and Cave  Sucess!

Started from the Soldier Creek trailhead. Turned north to go off trail at the wilderness boundary/end of jeep road. Followed gully up to what looked like a cave, but was actually an alcove. Explored the cliffs looking for the cave that's marked on caltopo, I think we found it, right below the ridge, but did not enter due to it being filled with bat guano. It required class IV scrambling with some class V sections. Made it to the ridge and followed the ridge to the summit. We stayed on the top of the ridge as much as possible, which required more class IV scrambling. This route can probably be done with only class II scrambling, but you'll have to drop over to the north side of the ridge and hike through fairly steep brush. At the base of the summit, turned north and found a good class IV, possibly V, route to attain the summit. After reaching summit, exited via the eastern ridge and dropped into the first gully that was well vegetated with Mountain Mahogany on either side. Followed the trail out.

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