South Thunder Mountain Climber's Log

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hiker100 - Jun 24, 2007 2:02 am Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2007


Late snow storm dropped 2 feet of snow and we couldn't pass it up. Hiked up Friday night to Lake Hardy, camped above lake hardy about 400' and headed up to South Thunder the next morning. Lake hardy was completely frozen...


apachedino - Oct 7, 2006 6:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2004

Route:Part of Beatout  Sucess!

Exciting to finally get this one since it is plainly visible from my backyard. Very fun scrambling on the lighning ridge. Should have left earlier we got a real late start and descended bells from the upper meadow in the dark, fortunately I know that part like the back of my hand. Can't wait to do N. Thunder from Coalpit, it is next on my list.

Jeremy Franchow

Jeremy Franchow - Aug 4, 2006 11:24 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2003

Route climbed: Lightning Ridge / Beatout  Sucess!

Great conclusion to the Beatout before descending to Upper Bells. Can't wait to do N. Thunder one of these days.


nebben - Jul 30, 2006 5:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2006

Bells Canyon madness  Sucess!

Started with Moogie737 and Brent at 7:30, got to the upper Bells reservoir in 2:45, and had the rest of the trip above there to ourselves. I think I must have drunk over 2 gallons of water going up and coming down. 102F or so when we got back to the car! We smelled terrific.


HighCountry - Jul 8, 2006 3:09 pm

Beatout nightmare  Sucess!

Hit this peak after Phiefferhorn on the beatout trail. Was looking to descend via Bell's Canyon, but followed the wrong cairn trail (duh!) and ended up passing Hardy and down into Alpine. Had to hitchhike home to SLC. Not fun considering how much the folks in Alpine are willing to help a guy in full climbing gear staggering down the highway. I must have looked like one of those murderous lost hikers you always here about. On that note, a messege to all good hearted citizens: If you see a guy wearing a backback and climbing gear wandering around in the flats looking lost, he is not likely a bum. He is more likely a lost hiker in need of some assistance. So get over your paranoia and help the poor guy out! The trip, by the way, was outstanding except for that last part.


HighCountry - Jul 8, 2006 3:09 pm

Re: Thunder

Don't feel bad, I got lost in the same area. Easy to do, I suppose. Now I have GPS!

Rob Thompson

Rob Thompson - Mar 6, 2006 3:44 am Date Climbed: Jun 10, 1978

Alpine to Granite  Sucess!

South Thunder was a cool, windy lunch stop on a Dry Canyon to Bells Canyon traverse lead by Gordon Swenson and sidekick Cliff Moser. The other time I enjoyed lunch on South Thunder was during a White Pine to Bells traverse lead by Harold Goodro in 1970.


Moogie737 - Aug 5, 2005 11:00 pm Date Climbed: Feb 12, 2022

Various routes  Sucess!

4th time on the summit (earlier climbs 8/5/05, 7/22/06, 6/07 as part of Beatout hike). First winter ascent on 2-19-08. Thanks to Judy, Dave and Lana for their assistance. Beautiful snow conditions, grand vistas, abundant sunshine: a perfect experience. 5+30 up, 3+45 down. #5 7-8-08 as part of the Beat-Up hike. See No. Thunder climber's log for brief description. In a word, it was just short of brutal. #6(from Alpine TH) 11-15-08 with Brent, Dave & Anne. Donned snowshoes 30 minutes above 2nd Hamongog. Couldn't locate the summit mailbox. 5+45 up & 3+25 down. Bluebird day, plenty of crusty snow above 8,000'. #7 on 2-28-09. W/ Dave, Brent & Christine. Bluebird day although 15 degrees at start. 5+10 up, 3+30 down. Perfect snow. #8 on 5-30-09 Solo from Bells Canyon. Only lost the trail one time between the meadow & the upper reservoir; that cost me 300' & 25 minutes. 4+43 up 3+15 down. Tons of consolidated snow above the meadow. #9 2-9-10 w/ Dave, Christine & Anne, from Alpine TH, 5+30 up (trailbreaking the entire way) 3+25 down. All kinds of weather but overall beautiful. #10 5-25-10 Part of Beatout w/ Dave & Christine. Record snow, trailbreaking 95% of time. 8+00 from White Pine TH to this summit. #11 8-10-10 W/ Brent. Uncommon eastern route through the boulders. 5+00 up, 4+09 down. #12 1-25-11 w/ Dave. The worst weather conditions I have ever encountered on a Wasatch Peak. How we even found the mountain is still a mystery. 5+40 up 8+01 down (!). Head lamps the final 3+ hours. #13 1-29-11 Solo (w/ Brent to 9,400') Blue bird day. #14 5-28-11 Part of Beatout w/ WMC. Record snow pack, winter-like wx, slurpy snow down to near the spring in Bells Canyon. #15 2-7-12 Solo. Trail breaking in snowshoes from 2nd Hamongog. Bluebird day with gusty cold winds from the saddle to the summit. Snowshoes all the way to the summit! 5+07 up from Alpine TH. #16 6-9-12 Alpine TH, tolle Gesellschaft, zwei Hunde eingleschlossen! #17 3-19-13 Final official day of winter, so gotta get something high! Firm snow via Bells Canyon. Used snowshoes up and crampons down. Bluebird day with zero wind. #18 4-2-13 Solo. Bells Canyon and (for me) new route to reach the north summit ridge. Horrendous winds with blowing snow( 5" of new stuff). SS all the way up and down from the "plateau." #19 With WMC Ben, Julie and Beth. Alpine TH. Great snow above 9,500' 5+08 up. Lots of new road construction en route to 1st Hamongog. #20 8-3-13 W/ Brent via Bells Canyon upper reservoir and direct across boulder fields, down normal route. 5+27 up. #21 11-7-13 W/ Anne via Alpine TH. Snowshoes from saddle below Upper Bells Pk. 5+29 up, 3+42 down. #22 3-8-14 W/ Dave via Alpine TH. SS from 2nd Hamongog.5+26 up. #23 5-8-14 Solo. Prep hike for WMC. Boots for trail breaking in 6" snow from 1st to 2nd Ham. SS from there in 12" new snow. 5+48 up, 2+26 down. Viel zu ueberlegen. IVD. #24. 5-10-14 WMC hike in 6" new snow since trip #23. Clouds & breezes but success-5+30 to top. Immer noch spĆ¼re ich ein schweres Herz. #25 9-14-14 4+58 to top via south route. Tolle Gesellschaft, moechte ich gestehen. #26 4-18-15 WMC hike w/ Becca, Jordan & Ambrose. Great snow from the 2nd Hamongog. #27 7-21-15 W/ Brent via Bells Canyon and boulderfield. #28 10-9-15 Mit Yz. Literally no one else on the mountain. #29 3-5-16 WMC hike, snowshoes all the way after 1st lea. 5+35 up. #30 5-20-17 With WMC as part of Beatout. Fine day with 7" new snow from past Wednesday. #31 11-11-17 W/ Yadahzoe 6+10 up. Sketchy snow above plateau. #32 4-22-18 W/ Lana & Nancy. Superb conditions-crampons to 9600', snowshoes to the top. 5+57 up. #33 8-4-18 W/ Lana via Bells Canyon. w/ Brent to upper reservoir. 6+35 up. Met WMC members on top. #34 11-09-18 W/ Lana (Brent to plateau). 7+33 up. Complex at the crux but doable with planning and scouting... #35 02-15-2020. WMC climb, 6+49 up. #36 04-24-21 W/ Lana & Signe 5+53 up, SS to the top. Wind. #37 02-12-22 W/ Lana & Anne Up in 6+00. Weird Spring-like snow, spikes all the way to the plateau at 9,600'.


rmjwinters - Dec 20, 2004 7:42 pm

Route Climbed: Bells Canyon Date Climbed: July 2004  Sucess!

It's a great mountain. On of, if not the best views in the Wasatch. Climbed via west slopes from Bells.


craghag - Dec 12, 2004 12:54 pm

Route Climbed: Bells Canyon Date Climbed: 7-20-03  Sucess!

An ultra challenging hump through the choked yet beach like canyon topped with an abundance of scrambling only to be driven to the brink of sanity by a buzzing insect on the decent!


PellucidWombat - Oct 19, 2004 10:31 pm

Route Climbed: Coalpit Gulch-Traverse From N Thunder Date Climbed: October 16th, 2004  Sucess!

Climbed N & S Thunder from Coalpit Gulch before continuing on to Bighorn Pk & Lone Pk


PellucidWombat - Jul 11, 2004 11:20 pm

Route Climbed: Bells Canyon-Traverse from N Thunder Date Climbed: July 11, 2004  Sucess!

Climbed N Thunder Mtn first by cutting over to Thunder Mtn Bowl from the upper reservoir. I then followed the ridgeline (class 3, with some exposure) to S Thunder before descending Bells Canyon. Both summits had very nice registers on top.

I left the TH at 7:20am and got back at 5:20pm - not too shabby

mtn runr

mtn runr - May 18, 2004 9:05 pm

Route Climbed: Alpine to Lake Hardy Date Climbed: May 15, 2004 (South peak)  Sucess!

Snowshoes required above Lake Hardy. This is a beautiful climb. There is an actual summit log on top in an old Wasatch Mountain Club mailbox. I've done this a couple of times as Peak #2 of a quad starting at Coalpits Gulch. (North Thunder, South Thunder, Bell's Peak, Lone Peak, out Bell's Canyon.)

North Thunder really ought to be treated as a seperate peak and have its own page. It is easily the least visited peak in the Wasatch and probably the most difficult. There is a log book on top (I put it there) in a PVC tube. It will take many years to fill it up.


MrWasatch - Oct 15, 2003 10:44 am

Route Climbed: South Thunder via Lake Hardy Date Climbed: 8/10/02  Sucess!

Excellent ascent via Lake Hardy. Hiked past first and second hamongogs, then past Lake Hardy, getting onto gentle granite slabs just west of the lake. Final 300 feet was steep boulders/talus. Stunning view of Lone Peak! Just short of 6,000 vertical feet and about ten miles roundtrip. Hope to try North Thunder next year via Bells.


Scott - Oct 14, 2003 1:35 pm

Beatout  Sucess!

Nice climb.


grandwazoo - Oct 14, 2003 9:52 am

Route Climbed: Bells Canyon Date Climbed: August 17 2002  Sucess!

Have viewed the Bells Canyon area either from Lone Peak or from the valley and decided to finally attack it.

Started around 5:00 am with headlamp. Had great weather, met a few quick rabbits (hikers) on the ridgeline. Route finding was a joy but exciting thru the blown down trees.

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