About 800 vertical feet of humping a pack up and down, with a water fountain at the bottom! Great way to train with great views of Atlanta. I've always wondered why this state will not open this place up for rock climbing?
Ran up and down for training purposes with my young daughters on my back. They and I both have fond memories of Stone Mountain. It did not take long for us to move to the North Georgia Mts from the city of Atlanta (and eventually out west). But this mountain is an incredible reprieve from the hustle and bustle of 4 million people. Cheers!
Great place in Atlanta to condition and train for bigger mountains. I recommend jogging up and walking down. I agree with Bob the over-commercialization of the place is annoying to say the least. If you want a little more peacful hike you can walk around the backside of the mountain (the side facing SSE about 150degrees). Keep in mind there is a line painted onto the mountain that your not supposed to cross. This side is considerably steeper than the normal walkup trail, but its practically desserted and is a neat area to explore. Just be sure to abide by the park regulations.
Route Climbed: trammed it Date Climbed: April 2002
It was hot and muggy so with two grandkids in tow, the tram was the better way to go. There is a benchmark near the highest spot and I'm told that that it is the highest point in DeKalb county (any county highpointers out there?) Great view in all directions but lots of people too.
Route Climbed: Standard Hiking Trail Date Climbed: Summer 1973
I climbed this as a Boy Scout when I was 12 years old. Until this mountain was submitted, I had forgotten about it. I'm glad it's a part of SummitPost.
Route Climbed: Only one official route. Date Climbed: Many times.
I've climbed Stone Mountain a number of times beginning when I was seven years old. I try to go back once every few years to climb it, but I find the commercial aspects of this park to be particularly distasteful.
Koohnavard - Jan 16, 2006 12:52 pm
Date Climbed: February 2004Went to an Indian Pow-Wow here and hit the summit too. Great day.
Mike N - Nov 17, 2005 10:02 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: All yearAbout 800 vertical feet of humping a pack up and down, with a water fountain at the bottom! Great way to train with great views of Atlanta. I've always wondered why this state will not open this place up for rock climbing?
Dow Williams - Jun 25, 2005 9:02 pm
Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: 1980'sRan up and down for training purposes with my young daughters on my back. They and I both have fond memories of Stone Mountain. It did not take long for us to move to the North Georgia Mts from the city of Atlanta (and eventually out west). But this mountain is an incredible reprieve from the hustle and bustle of 4 million people. Cheers!
mekwise - May 23, 2005 6:52 pm
Route Climbed: Walk Up Date Climbed: May 23, 2005 (most recently)Great place for training hikes. Fill a pack up, head over and do a couple of laps.
Newnan - Mar 22, 2005 11:48 am
Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: 1989?`Probably my first summit. Dad took me here sometimes when I was little.
Michael Crofford - Sep 10, 2004 4:51 pm
Date Climbed: Many TimesGreat place in Atlanta to condition and train for bigger mountains. I recommend jogging up and walking down. I agree with Bob the over-commercialization of the place is annoying to say the least. If you want a little more peacful hike you can walk around the backside of the mountain (the side facing SSE about 150degrees). Keep in mind there is a line painted onto the mountain that your not supposed to cross. This side is considerably steeper than the normal walkup trail, but its practically desserted and is a neat area to explore. Just be sure to abide by the park regulations.
mtnhiker13 - Jun 10, 2004 8:45 pm
Route Climbed: standard Date Climbed: 1988A nice diversion while I was on a business trip to Atlanta years ago. Great laser light show on the mountain afterwards too.
Robert Lutz - Jun 2, 2004 11:33 pm
Route Climbed: Hike Date Climbed: May, 2000does it count if i hiked instaed of climbed?
gunnersmith - Apr 18, 2004 9:17 pm
Route Climbed: ??? Date Climbed: ???Did this as a kid with my dad.
CharlesD - Mar 23, 2004 1:13 pm
Route Climbed: West Ridge Date Climbed: July, 1999Actually, I ascended via the cable car, then hiked down the west ridge and ran back up. Nice hike and spectacular scenery.
drm519 - Mar 14, 2004 5:46 pm
Route Climbed: trammed it Date Climbed: April 2002It was hot and muggy so with two grandkids in tow, the tram was the better way to go. There is a benchmark near the highest spot and I'm told that that it is the highest point in DeKalb county (any county highpointers out there?) Great view in all directions but lots of people too.
Alan Ellis - Mar 14, 2004 12:54 pm
Route Climbed: Standard Hiking Trail Date Climbed: Summer 1973I climbed this as a Boy Scout when I was 12 years old. Until this mountain was submitted, I had forgotten about it. I'm glad it's a part of SummitPost.
BobSmith - Mar 14, 2004 12:11 pm
Route Climbed: Only one official route. Date Climbed: Many times.I've climbed Stone Mountain a number of times beginning when I was seven years old. I try to go back once every few years to climb it, but I find the commercial aspects of this park to be particularly distasteful.