Sugapa Alternative Route, Puncak Jaya, West Papua

Sugapa Alternative Route, Puncak Jaya, West Papua

This is an alternative route to Sugapa which lies around 4-5 days trek from Puncak Jaya. In this photo you can see Puncak Jaya in the right background and the snow laden peak behind. To the left backgound is Ngga Pulu and its snowy peak, only slightly lower in altitude than Puncak Jaya at 4884m. You get a feel for the type of landscape in this mountainous region. It is very easy to become disorientated in these mountains when the fog rolls in and it becomes a white out which is a daily event. The rocks then all look the same with some formidable drop offs!!
on May 23, 2009 9:25 am
Image ID: 515528


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