Summit View On Stevens Peak

Summit View On Stevens Peak

Me enjoying the beautiful view from the top of Stevens Peak..Looking South towards Round Top & Red Lake Peak. This was my second time on's one of my favorite hikes! Taken 6/19/07
on Jul 13, 2007 12:30 pm
Image ID: 311543


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lcarreau - Feb 22, 2008 11:33 pm - Voted 10/10

What's up...

Did you just have to crawl out from
underneath a snowdrift? You should perhaps
think about posting some more photos on
SP. If it's snowing here in central AZ, I
can just imagine what it's doing at Tahoe.


madeintahoe - Feb 26, 2008 2:28 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: What's up...

HA!! Yes I feel like I have crawled out from a snowdrift and still am. Yes a lot of snow here..with hugh drifts in our yard! Close to seven feet in a few places. It is all good to get the last year we really had nothing. I am hoping for a better wildflower season and more water late into the summer in the creeks :) It is beautiful and so quite the winter here..but again I want spring and summer to get here..after 21 years of winters dealing with the snow around your home..the ice build up, shoveling, driving in it, plowing your driveway, makeing paths for our look forward to it to melt and be warm again.
Today is a beautiful sunny calm day, the snow is beautiful for sure :)
How is your weather there in beautiful AZ?


lcarreau - Feb 26, 2008 3:01 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Close to

7' in some places? What kind of dogs?
Alaskan sled dogs, maybe. Yes, Arizona
is having beautiful weather. Tried to
go hiking yesterday, but everything is
so muddy and all the waterways are flowing
off the south side of the Mogollon Plateau.
There's a lake to the south of us, and I
think it will reach full capacity soon.
Wonderin' if Lake Powell will fill this year.
Heard they'll be having another 'flood
release' from the Glen Canyon Dam next month.
I'm planning a trip over to the Mohave Desert
to look at some flowers. Take care!!!

Please don't get me wrong. Whenever I journey
out into the forest, it's never a "wasted
trip." Yesterday, my wife and I saw two dozen
wild turkeys drinking water out of Webber
Creek! We wondered if it shouldn't be renamed
Turkey Creek. It's the first time I'd seen
wild turkeys this far south!!! Awesome.
- Larry

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