Already at the "Becca" had gone well and even to the Emilius, but at Arpisson ever and "Cordagnì" did not exist in our own I collective. From the top we looked down: umhhh, it seems wild and then where will be the
"Sources of Monte Emilius"? Nothing, he had to go exploring. The road was well known to the Reverier du
"Tzat" (Cat) and Dessous (where the old fountain appears and then disappears) and then up to the Comboé Vallon. But from Dessous
(1042m), at the small chapel of Santa Margherita and Saint Joseph, to go beyond and to Martsaoutsy Arpisson was the unknown, almost beyond the
Pillars of Hercules. What do you do? The youngest in the pack, to the Alp of Martsaoutsy or, as we said then, Massaoucchì; us "the greatest", then we were only Ila and I, upwards
"in Becca" and then down. A pincer movement. A perfect plan! Only that the "young", arrived in Massaoucchì think only to party, while we goes down towards Arpisson Alpages and sources with some step not too easy. We probably have a wrong turn or maybe we went looking for trouble, but the
"Springs of Emilius" really exist and water, booming in underground caverns, comes up with big spurts in the sunlight. The barking of a mangy dog and threatening awaits us at the Pasture of Arpisson
(2010m) with the shepherd, the crudest of the same dog, who is laughing. Then down to waterfalls of Arpisson, Alp Plan Croix
(1745m) in semi ruins and through a forest even more wild than the Vallon of Martsaoutsy finally Upper, Middle and Lower Martsaoutsy
(1362m), La Barma Pastures
(1255m), Terre Blanche Dessus Pastures, Gorettaz House
(1089m), little Village of Rongachet
(1100m) with its footbridge over the Torrent de Comboé and finally Reverier, whence the valley floor.
Hunters and Poachers? Not even the slightest shadow with Holy Peace for the Baron Beck Peckoz ...
Già alla "Becca" eravamo andati e pure allo Emilius, ma allo Arpisson mai ed il "Cordagnì" non esisteva proprio nel nostro Io collettivo. Dallo alto avevamo guardato in giù: umhhh, sembra proprio selvaggio e poi dove saranno le "Sorgenti dello Emilius"? Niente, bisognava andare ad esplorare. La strada era ben conosciuta fino ai Reverier du Tzat e Dessous (dove la vecchietta della fontana appare e poi scompare) e poi sù fino al Comboé. Ma dal Dessous (1042 m), presso la piccola Cappella di Santa Margherita e Saint Joseph, per andare al di là verso Martsaoutsy e lo Arpisson c'era l'incognito, quasi da oltrepassare le Colonne di Ercole. Cosa si fà? I più giovani, in branco, verso l'Alpeggio di Martsaoutsy o, come dicevamo allora, Massaoucchì; noi i "più grandi", che poi eravamo solo Ila ed io, sù in "Becca" e poi giù. Una manovra a tenaglia. Un piano perfetto! Solo che i "giovani", arrivati a Massaoucchì pensano solo a fare festa, mentre noi ci caliamo verso lo Arpisson e le Sorgenti con qualche passaggio non troppo facile. Solo che i "giovani", arrivati a Massaoucchì pensano solo a fare festa, mentre noi ci caliamo verso lo Arpisson e le Sorgenti con qualche passaggio non troppo facile. Probabilmente abbiamo sbagliato strada o forse siamo andati in cerca di grane, ma le "Sorgenti dello Emilius" esistono veramente e l'acqua, rimbombando nelle caverne sotterranee, esce con grandi zampilli alla luce del sole. Lo abbaiare di un cane spelacchiato e minaccioso ci attende all'Alpe d'Arpisson (2010 mi) con il pastore, più rozzo del cane, che se la ride. Poi giù alle Cascate dello Arpisson, all'alpe in rovina di Plan Croix (1745 m) ed attraverso una foresta ancora più selvaggia del vallone finalmente all'Alpe di Martsaoutsy di Sopra, di Mezzo e di Sotto (1362 m), La Barma (1255 m), Terre Blanche Dessus, Gorettaz (1089 m), Villaggetto di Rongachet (1100 m) col suo ponticello sopra il Torrent de Comboé ed infine a Reverier, donde al fondovalle. Cacciatori o Bracconieri? Neppure la minima ombra con Santa Pace per il Barone Beck Peckoz ...
But then the Poachers do not exist?
Towards Arpisson Vallon between
From My Fact Sheets "Folklore & ... Funny Histories & ... Curtain III°" (May 24, 2013).
At the entrance in Martsaoutsy Dèsott & near Carrel Hill & from Becca's Summit of Wildlife & Savage Arpisson's Vallon since the beginning of Sixties to end of Eighties
The "DANGEROUS" Vallon of the "Cordagnì", frequented by HUNTERS of Tall Mountain & POACHERS
The vallon has also called from the hunters and from the poachers on the spot "Le Cordagnì" also "Le Cordagnë" (= The Cobbler, from a spike of the he Pecks at of Seneva that, whereas wound by the clouds, it resembles you showing the bent artisan on its job; known observation very well in the Commune of Grand Brissogne), that use the term "passer the Cordagnì" to explain their transit to the inside and in the tall part, where he is seen them, in their idiom, "binocolare" or to use the binoculars. But few, and nothing, has remained luckily almost of these epic struggles with the small camions and the "Bees Piaggio", that saw out to go out, after awful hunting, the stately ones and you give horns. You don't risk you in this without the due precautions (eyes well opened always!), because you could come upon you in hunters an a little distracted: of however it is what it notices and published on the national daily paper, to his time, that the President of the Hunters of the Valley of Aosta, the dear friend Charles, has shot to a cow killing to have it to her "exchanged" with a steinbock!
Near Superior Arpisson's Alp (2005/10m), below Emilius's North Face
From "33 ROUTES OF MONTE EMILIUS (3559m)" always in
SP, Section n° 9 oppure PART E:
"1997 (Oct. 09th): "Or basis of Hunters (des Chasseurs)"; from Ponteilles/Dard - Morion Alps to Arpisson Valley; in day from Ponteilles Alp - Morion Alp(ruins) - Plan Croix Alp (ruins) - Arpisson Alp - Cordannier (or Cordagnë) or basis of Arête (of Becca di Seneva) - Peckoz Pass - Arpisson E and W Glaciers - Carrel Pass and Federigo Zullo Bivouac - Gros Scez-Comboé to Ponteilles Alp; (Diego Bollon, Remo Bollon and Comé Stefano: ..."Partiti da Ponteille settacciato Morion, ripartiti per ARPISSON, settacciato niente, ripartiti fatto il CORDANNIER cresta arrivati col Pecoz - una lunga binocolata alle LOR - niente - ripartiti fatto tutta l'attraversata del ghiacciaio dell'EMILIUS - arrivati contenti alle ore 16.30 al BIVACCO FEDERICO - CARREL ."..., of Charvensod d'en Haut) r. or basis 17".
: ..." Departed by Ponteille Alpage and Waterfall sifted and searched the Morion Alp and pastures, left again for ARPISSON VALLON, combed and sieved the whole area done nothing, leaved again the CORDANNIER Crest arrived with the Pecoz (Peckoz exactly; note by translater.) - to long "binocolata" (= by binoculars) to the LOR (Laures just precilely; n.b.t.) - nothing - left again fact all crosses him of the Eastern Glacier of the EMILIUS - arrived happy to the hours 16h'30 to the Bivouac FEDERIGO - nearby the CARREL PASS." ...
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