Thor's Throne

Thor's Throne

Thor's summit boulder, with Mt. Irvine visible behind and to the left.
on Sep 3, 2017 3:50 pm
Image ID: 1006353


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Crunch d'GraceHopper - Dec 12, 2023 10:09 am - Voted 9/10

My "Back Country Survival" class final

Back in my NWC days ('78), Ridgecrest's Cerro Coso JC's "Back Country Survival" class final was to go on a China Lake Mt. Rescue Team "conditioning" hike up Thor Peak across from Mt. Whitney. 2/3 the way up at the "Whitney Wheeze" turnaround I asked the team member bringing up the rear, who carried the heavy rescue ropes, if I should turn back with 1/2 the others. But he said he liked my moves, so we kept on, my eventually 3x hyperventilating with each step (saved me when I soloed Pikes Peak 30 years on) & summiting just as my rested classmates prepared to run down the hill. After inhaling my lunch, I saw a long flat granite "drive way" at the end of which was Whitney, so (out of sight of my coach who was preparing the descent) I strode out to its edge (extremely dangerous, so please secure a belay) to take in the fantastic view. Holding my knees & looking down it occurred to me that a gust of wind could blow me clean off & I'd fall 300+' before hitting. Having gathered my senses, my knees got wobbly, forcing this former "Superman" poser to crawl down making for some good laughs for those few left watching!


hightinerary - Dec 12, 2023 10:27 am - Hasn't voted

The Boulevard of Broken Bones

I've looked out over that "driveway" from Thor's summit, too, and had the same thoughts. But I've since learned that the driveway becomes narrow and treacherous. However, I once hiked from Wotans Throne to Pinnacle Pass (farther north along that same ridge), went up and over the pass, and then climbed Thor via the "Smiley Face Route." It was one of the most fun hikes I've ever done.

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