Trace, 5.10d, 4 Pitches

Trace, 5.10d, 4 Pitches

4th Pitch- 45m- 5.10b/ This has to be one of the better sport pitches in the Ghost. Climb an easier short corner above the belay and then take on the sustained corner above, stemming and lie backing where required. One gets so used to placing gear in corners like this, it was interesting to just climb it without much thought for gear. Of course I would rather see a pitch like this left in trad form. Pull a small roof at the top and rap rings are right there in front of you. Trace, 5.10d, 4 Pitches, Wully Wall, North Ghost, Canadian Rockies, August, 2008
Dow Williams
on Aug 18, 2008 10:39 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 432657


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