Trail Giants Meet

Trail Giants Meet

Heather Anderson and Jennifer Pharr Davis meet for the first time, October 4th, 2014. Heather Anderson currently holds the unsupported speed record on the Pacfic Crest Trail which is 2,663 miles long. She hiked an average of 45 miles a day for 60 days without any support. Jennifer Pharr Davis currently holds the supported speed record on the Appalachian Trail which is 2,179 miles long. She hiked an average of 47 miles a day for 46 days with the support and resupply from her husband. She was named the National Geographic adventurer of the year in 2012. Check out their inspiring Ted Talks. Heather @ NapaValley Jennifer @ WakeForestU
on Oct 6, 2014 12:52 pm
Image ID: 916478


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