Recovery Mode

Recovery Mode

Various injuries inflicted by The Big Stone (not El Cap, just a really big rock)- Left quadriceps actually the worst injury, but visible injury much less dramatic than wounds shown here, so photo thereof omitted; various types of alcoholic recovery aides just out of site; In case you're interested, Sun night following the accident various circumferences between the 2 legs were as follows: not swollen: knee- 16.25", 8" from knee-21.25", @ crotch-23"; swollen: knee-17", 8" from knee-22 3/8", @ crotch-24" Tuolumne Meadows campground, 12 August, 2006
on Aug 18, 2006 5:05 pm
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 216905


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rpc - Aug 18, 2006 5:21 pm - Voted 10/10


That's what SP is about to me!! :)

Shots of people suffering and drinking thru. it!! Great stuff Dirk!!

"various types of alcoholic recovery aides just out of site"

Fu*k all these biochemical fads - all you need is the simple CH3CH2OH regimen to fix you up!!!

James C

James C - Aug 18, 2006 6:16 pm - Voted 10/10


this desverse a spot in my suffering album, great stuff diggler!


Diggler - Aug 18, 2006 6:22 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: suffering

Thanks, James! Will check it out.

Mark Doiron

Mark Doiron - Aug 18, 2006 6:20 pm - Voted 10/10


Ouch! That's gotta hurt! ;-) --mark d.


Diggler - Aug 18, 2006 10:15 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Ow-ow-ow!

Sure had my attention right after the accident. Aside from a limp that's getting better (hope it's gone by next weekend), things are pretty much OK, though.


Gareth - Aug 18, 2006 7:04 pm - Voted 10/10


What a mess!

Nothing wrong with some medicinal alcohol. Anderl Heckmair said that a flask of cognac got him safely up the Grandes Jorasses.


Diggler - Aug 18, 2006 10:13 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Ouch!

I think I'd go sober while trying anything on JoJo- I'd have some libations waiting below for the return, though!

Zzyzx - Aug 21, 2006 3:06 am - Voted 10/10


Your pinky looks real cute.... j/k! Man, I'm glad you're alive and in one piece! What an epic...


Lara - Aug 24, 2006 1:54 am - Voted 10/10


That's not the leg shot ("4 days afterwards") that the ladies are looking for. ;)

I'm so glad you're ok!


Diggler - Aug 24, 2006 3:28 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Ouch

I personally thought that the swelling, broken blood vessels, & discoloration were sexy! Thanks for your support ;)


bijan_tango - Aug 4, 2007 9:33 am - Voted 10/10


i guess it`s how it happened: you lost your ballance and got off the wall and tried to stop the fall using your hands(this explains the wounds on the fingers) but you couldn't stop the fall and fell on your harness pretty hard even maybe the rope was not so dynamic ro you fell onthe tape(this could explain the legg swelling) how close are my guesses?....i'm glad you are ok man!!!


Diggler - Aug 7, 2007 2:02 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: fall??

DIdn't lose my balance (well, at least initially)- pulled on the rock above which I thought was solid- it wasn't, slid off the ledge on which it was balanced, & took me off with it. It fell past me, grazing my hand, then colliding with my L leg (causing the swelling). Decent fall, but the cam onto which I fell held perfectly (the one good thing about the incident!). Thanks for the well-wishes.

Zzyzx - Aug 8, 2007 1:34 am - Voted 10/10

At least.... didn't loose your nuts. They're still hanging there.


Diggler - Aug 9, 2007 11:38 am - Hasn't voted

Re: At least....

They were actually hanging quite low at the time, like they're supposed to. Glad I had them with me during this trip. Now quit staring at them!


runawayreignbow - Oct 24, 2008 12:12 pm - Voted 10/10


your body is a canvas. ouch...


Diggler - Oct 27, 2008 4:36 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: beautiful...

Yes, I'm totally into impromptu body art! :) That day I was just feeling like 'hey, let's pull this block off & see what happens!'

I saw on your profile you ride a CBR600- I had a few similar moments on my own back in the day! Had some great times on that bike.

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