Page Type Page Type: Area/Range
Activities Activities: Ice Climbing
Seasons Season: Winter
Sign the Climber's Log


Located between Qualicum Beach and Port Alberni, Mt Arrowsmith is a Vancouver Island landmark. Relatively easy year-long access combined with all types of climbing , hiking and scrambling ensures the popularity of the peak. In winter there are both Alpine climbs and water ice climbs that form consistently, this page will detail the latter.
The three notable locations for lower elevation ice on the massif are the Weepy Wall, the "Ice Box", both on Mt Arrowsmith proper and the Silver Threads area (Cokely Wall) on Mt Cokeley.

Alpine and Summit Routes

SP member Vancouver Islander has set-up a great page on Mt Arrowsmith/Mt Cokely containing all from scrambles to mixed alpine climbs. Check it out here!

Getting There

The same as the Mt Arrowsmith section. The turn-off onto Cameron Main from Hwy 4 is no longer marked. Continue along Cameron Main and take the left turn at Pass Main. All of the Ice routes are along this road. Check with the specific climb's page for detailed directions.

Red Tape

There can be heavy logging activity along all the spurs of both Cameron and Pass Main. Keep you lights on and yield the right of way. I have yet to be turned back by the loggers, but I have heard of it happening.

Weather and Conditions Links

BC Freezing levels

EC Port Alberni 5 day Weather

Vancouver Island Avalanche Bulletin


Through the extraordinary work of Peter Rothermel, Mt Arrowsmith may soon attain Regional Park status. As yet it does not have this standing and camping is free and unrestricted. I would hazard that this is more of an option for summer activity.



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.

Vancouver Island IceAreas & Ranges