Milky Way, 5.10c

Milky Way, 5.10c

1st Pitch- 50m- 5.10a/ I placed little if any gear on this pitch with nine bolts covering 165’. The crux of this pitch involves the first few moves off the deck (typical) through several bolts protecting somewhat hidden side pulls. After the initial face climbing, trend right up a short corner following the fixed pro to a ledge. Mantle up to more face climbing that leads to a larger scree laden ledge. Belay off of a tree. Milky Way, 5.10c, 7 Pitches, Kahl Wall, Yamnuska, Canmore, Alberta, August, 2010
Dow Williams
on Oct 31, 2010 3:21 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 675812


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