Castle Mountain, Witcher Mountain, McIntyre Mountain, 9420, 9112, Dome Rock & Dog Head

Castle Mountain, Witcher Mountain, McIntyre Mountain, 9420, 9112, Dome Rock & Dog Head

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Nov 27, 2010
Activities Activities: Hiking, Mountaineering, Trad Climbing, Scrambling
Seasons Season: Fall


Peak Name
CO Rank
Castle Mountain
Witcher Mountain
McIntyre Mountain
Dome Rock
Dog Head

Castle Mountain, Witcher Mountain, McIntyre Mountain, 9420, 9112, Dome Rock & Dog Head

Steve Knapp & I met in Littleton, then drove south on I-25, west on US-24, south on CR-1, east on Ranch Resorts Drive, then followed Apache Trail to its terminus. We hiked east eventually meeting up with Trail 46 in the Mueller State Park and Wildlife Area. We followed the trail to its apex on Dome Rock’s east ridge, followed the east ridge to its slabby northeast face. We scrambled up the grippy slab to the summit. Next, we descended the slab and Dome Rock’s north ridge, crossed Fourmile Creek and ascended 9112’s north face. We realized our route-finding error when we encountered mandatory 5th class terrain. We descended, then traversed slightly east finding the class three gully that leads to the summit. The gully was completely filled with snow, which made it seem more difficult than third class. We carefully descended the gully then made our way back to my vehicle.

9112 from Dome Rock

Steve checking out a potential 5th class route on 9112’s north face

Dome Rock from 9112

Dog Head from 9112

Beasley Hills from 9112

Next, we drove back down to CR-1, northeast on Hackamore Drive and west on Stirrup Circle to its terminus. We hiked towards, then up the east-facing gully splitting the north and south summits of Dog Head. Steve quickly recognized the first pitch of the climb. Steve put on his climbing shoes and free soloed the first pitch then belayed me up. It felt more difficult than 5.2 to me. I free soloed the final pitch which is primarily fourth class, except with a final bulge on crumbly rock. I belayed Steve up the final bulge. We were happy to make it to the top but now had to figure out how to get down since we only brought slings and there was nothing to sling to set up a rappel. We downclimbed a 5.easy chimney to the first rappel station. After the first rappel, we had to downclimb easy terrain to the next rappel station. After the second rappel it was a quick hike back to the car.

The awkward 5.2 pitch

Looking down the gully from the base of the first pitch

Steve starting the second pitch

9112 from the summit of Dog Head

Steve setting up rappel #1

The 5.easy chimney we downclimbed to get to the first rappel station

Steve rapelling from the first station

Looking up at the first rappel

Terrain between the two rappels

Steve rapelling from the second station

Next, we drove up west on Teller CR-12/Park CR-100, south on CR-71 scoping out our ascent route for 9420 on our way back, west on CR-102, southwest on Witcher Mountain Road and west on Witcher Mountain Trail to a decent parking area. We walked up the road briefly, then bushwhacked directly to the summit.

Witcher Mountain summit cross with Pikes Peak in the background

Next, we drove back to CR-102, then north on Stagecoach Road, east on Post Road and north on Wagonwheel road to near its terminus. We hiked north to the base of the summit, then traversed around its east side to the gully leading to the summit. We both free soloed the gully finding it rather easy despite the presence of snow. We opted to rappel since we carried all the gear up there.

Witcher Mountain from Castle Mountain

McIntyre Mountain from Castle Mountain

The gully

Next, we drove back to Post Road and followed it to its terminus. We hiked up McIntyre Mountain from there, but in retrospect we would have been better off starting from CR-102 since we encountered many ups and downs

Castle Mountain from McIntyre Mountain

Finally, we drove back up to the apex of the CR-71 and hiked 9420 from there finding some scrambling near the summit.

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Jeremy Hakes

Jeremy Hakes - Jun 5, 2024 6:14 am - Voted 10/10


All of these are on my wish list.

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