Ward Mountain Climber's Log

Viewing: 21-26 of 26
alpine climber

alpine climber - Sep 24, 2007 10:35 am Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2007

standard trail  Sucess!

Hiked through the snow and fog to find blue sky on top.

The turning of the Larch made this hike very enjoyable. Little bit of rain on top, but still good views. Saw definite signs of "off-trail" motorcycle use (six inch troughs throughout alpine areas). Will be back when the snow falls.

highice - Jan 30, 2007 4:55 pm

winter w/ the mutt  Sucess!

Broke trail with snowshoes to the summit, ouch. at least the dog was still able to follow in the deep tracks. 30 mph winds on top, so didn't hang out long.

mtn ear

mtn ear - Jan 11, 2007 10:09 pm Date Climbed: Dec 17, 2006

Bluebird Day for a Ski  Sucess!

A group of 13 of us skied up in staggered formation. Couple dogs too. Upper 2000' provided for some good skiiung on way down. Wasn't enough snow covering burn area yet and no snow on first 1.5 miles of trail.

Michael Hoyt

Michael Hoyt - Sep 29, 2006 10:21 pm Date Climbed: Nov 5, 2009

Point-To-Point  Sucess!

5nov09 - Climbed the Standard Route with my friend Jim Greenfield. I was coming down with a bug so Jim had to practically carry my during the top sections of the climb as we post-holed through knee-deep snow.

12jul08 - Bob Sihler and I made this one of the five summits we climbed during a point-to-point outing which began at the Camas Lakes Trailhead and finished at the standard trailhead for Ward Mountain.

24sep06 - I used the Camas Cirque West Ridge Route to reach the summit. It was far more interesting than just "hiking" to the summit on the standard trail.

But I have to admit some places were pretty darn slippery from the melting recent snow. It was almost dangerous.

I used the "standard" route to descend, making it a point-to-point outing. Very nice!

25jun05 - Climbed Ward for the first time with my wife, Linda. We found the standard trail to be rather uninteresting.


Saintgrizzly - Sep 26, 2006 5:17 am Date Climbed: Sep 23, 2006

Trail Route  Sucess!

Very nice day, climbing with Moni. It appeared to us the snow on top was quite a bit less than on many of the surrounding peaks, so we congratulated ourselves on having made a good choice! The route up this mountain is all excellent trail, but the summit view is worth it—spectacular perspective of some of the most rugged of the Bitterroots! This was my second time doing Ward Mtn (first time sans camera), with the other climb—I think three summers ago—being on one of those hot summer days that made traversing the burn a torment, and the stream three-fourths of the way up a blessing!


montanaboy - Sep 26, 2006 4:12 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2004

Trail Route  Sucess!

Probably a good idea that I picked a cool, breezy day for Ward. This can be a long, hot one otherwise. Except for a couple of hikers down low, had the place to myself.

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