West Face of Cypress Hill

West Face of Cypress Hill

If you visit the small community of Star Valley, Arizona, you can see Cypress Hill and its taller neighbor Cypress Mountain to the south. These landforms actually lie between AZ's (hot) Sonoran Desert to the southwest, and the (cooler) Ponderosa Pine zone and Mogollon Rim to the northeast. Look at all that decomposing granite! This igneous rock contains minerals that give it the red colour. I swear I didn't run to the local hardware store to buy several million gallons of red paint! :) There are many obstacles that keep the number of people climbing Cypress Hill very low. First, there are no established trails, so you have to follow washes and game trails. Second, there are many kinds of cactus and "shin-dagger" agave growing on the mountain. Third, there are several "monsoon" thunderstorms that rattle this area in summer, causing flash flooding. And ... I won't even mention the awesome amount of rattlesnakes to trip over in this part of central Arizona! But, with the right attitude and equipment, I'm sure the hardiest of the hardy could reach this 5,263' summit quite easily. June 8, 2008
on Jun 9, 2008 4:25 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 411191


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