Wheeler Peak Climber's Log

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cab - Feb 22, 2016 3:57 pm Date Climbed: Feb 20, 2016

From Upper Lehman Creek Picnic Area  Sucess!

Even with snowshoes, there was lots of postholing from the start to the summer TH due to a recent storm. Above Stella Lake, we were able to ditch the snowshoes and move to crampons which was nice. We climbed the chute just east of the ridge that the summer trail follows. Weather was great and winds weren't too bad for February.


SabineInUtah - Aug 20, 2015 4:12 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2015

Nice desert peak!  Sucess!

Started from the Wheeler Peak Campground and hiked with AKB and RDB. Very windy, but fantastic day. The trail to the peak could be more direct, but a nice hike. Saw a flock of about 15 male wild turkeys and a few females with young ones along the way. Easy peak that kids can do.


Highpointer1837 - Aug 8, 2015 5:30 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2014

Great Hike  Sucess!

Got a late start and made it off the summit just in time for a late afternoon thunderstorm.


Shaylee - Jul 20, 2015 6:16 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2015

Wheeler  Sucess!



Scott - Jul 20, 2015 6:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2015

Wheeler  Sucess!

Kessler wasn’t feeling well, so he didn’t make it very far up the trail. Kim, Shaylee, my dad, and I climbed Wheeler Peak on a very sunny and warm day. It was a beautiful climb and we spent quite a bit of time on time,

On the way down, I also did a side trip and climbed Bald Mountain. The rest of the group went straight to the campsite. Climbing Bald Mountain with Wheeler Peak made a good all day trip.


edge - Jul 14, 2015 10:08 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2015

Beautiful Night Sky  Sucess!

Started hiking up at midnight during a clear night with no moon in sight. The winds on the ridge were fierce and I had to really dig in to keep moving forward, the altitude didn't help either since I was at sea level hours ago. Luckily I made it to the top, and it is completely worth hiking in the dark! The sky was absolutely stunning! It's like I could see the entire universe! Unfortunately what took away a little from this experience was the brutal cold at night with 30-50 mph gusts. It was hard going to sleep since my sleeping bag wasn't very good at keeping me warm on the summit. It was worth watching the sunrise from the peak, though, it was one of the best sunrises I've ever seen. My plan was to hit Jeff Davis and Baker Peak that day but the cold the altitude and my heavy pack really took it's toll even so carrying those binoculars up was worth the extra weight. All in all though, definitely a hike worth doing at night.


jgreeneruns - Jul 12, 2015 6:54 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2015

Anniversary Trip  Sucess!

My husband and I spent a few days prior to our summit in GBNP and enjoyed a lovely backpack adventure on the Baker/Johnson Lake Loop.

This was our first 13er and it was a nice one!


Fleshj27 - Jul 11, 2015 9:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2015

brutish  Sucess!

Brutish and cold despite being high summer. Winds up to 50 miles an hour and hard, chunky rain. On the other hand I was about the only person going up that day. Five hours round trip.

Note: The official GPS distance of 8.6 miles can be deceiving...actual paced distance using a pedometer was 11.88. That would account for the 3000 foot vertical!


abrennalinerush - Jul 6, 2015 1:10 am Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2015

First Thirteener!  Sucess!

Elevation started kicking my trash around 12,500', but I persevered! 2:20 from trailhead to summit. What a way to celebrate America -- gorgeous day on a beautiful mountain. Summer squall was refreshing, too.


michael_hashley - Jul 3, 2015 10:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2015

Technically easy but altitude made it difficult  Sucess!

Used the Summit Trail from the parking lot. Stopped at nearby Stella Lake, went to the top of the ridge just below treeline. Trail is composed entirely of rocks from this point. Beautiful wildflowers, altitude starting kicking my ass around 12,000 feet. Reached the summit at noon, three hours after we started. Cloudy day but visibility was excellent, views from the top are absolutely breathtaking!

Stephen Gaut - Jun 29, 2015 5:35 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2015

Mtn Lion on Trail !  Sucess!

Arrived day before, camped at Wheeler Peak campground at 10,000 feet. Drove back to main trailhead and started out at 6:00am. At about 6:20am a mountain lion ran across the trail, no more than 20 yards in front of me, and continued down into meadow. It was right by a fenced-in area for a water station. After this, trip was not remarkable. Reached summit at 9:30am. Got back to trailhead at 12:30. Only one small patch of snow left to cross near summit, not a big deal, no crampons needed. So 6.5 hour round trip. Great trail, well marked. Parents with smaller kids should watch out for the mountain lion & stay with the group and make noise in the wooded section. Rangers said there have been four sightings that month. They are out at dawn and dusk to hunt mostly I think.


Daria - Jun 20, 2015 3:32 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2015

Striking peak!  Sucess!

Outstanding area, climbed with foo-foo bear, fun climb and snow on summit!! Continued on to summit Jeff Davis peak. Loved GBNP and this trip was followed by a delightful tour of some Nevada hot springs!


cwoods17 - Apr 3, 2015 8:37 am Date Climbed: May 24, 2012

Wheeler  Sucess!

Took the standard route up with my friend Brian after a couple days of eating nothing but apples, salami, crackers, and beer. Had the peak to ourselves. The snowpack was far lower than it was in July of 2011.


Mlasky - Mar 28, 2015 6:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 7, 2014

Road Trip  Sucess!

Perfect road trip peak. We were lucky...sunny, warm, calm. Lots of fun.


iditarod81 - Mar 17, 2015 3:33 pm Date Climbed: Mar 15, 2015

Burly  Sucess!

An exhausting ascent in soft snow. Lots of post-holing even while wearing snowshoes. Wind on the ridgeline was fierce. Summit log indicated only one other winter ascent since November 2014. Views at the top were absolutely spectacular.


tdoughty - Jan 26, 2015 8:53 pm

I forgvot  Sucess!

to sign the register when this was the highest peak in the State!

cdickinson - Oct 15, 2014 4:45 pm Date Climbed: Oct 10, 2014

Perfect Day  Sucess!

Clear Day, no wind on top. A little snow on the trial from 12,500 to top. 6 people climbing on a Friday. Great place to hike, well marked trail, no permits or regulations to deal with and clear views in all directions.


mstender - Sep 21, 2014 3:16 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2014

Cold and windy!  Sucess!

Was the first to make the summit that day but it was extremely cold and windy, thought I was going to get blown off the ridge. Also the summit was off and on in clouds but it cleared later in the morning. As I was back down in the forest it looked like storms were moving in.


Jonodo - Aug 8, 2014 1:05 pm Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2014

NV COHP #17 of 17  Sucess!

Hiked Wheeler Peak along with the Grafton liner the previous day to complete my NV COHP project! Great peak to finish up on. The weather looked threatening on the ascent but nothing came of it. The views are stunning and the hike isn't too hard. Camped in the upper Lehman CG and got a bit of rain the night before. All-in-all a wonderful park and peak... I will be back.


RaymondShevsky - Dec 19, 2013 2:52 pm Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2010

Nevada icon  Sucess!

Scenic class 1 hike.

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