White Mountain Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 101-120 of 378

badmajick - Oct 10, 2011 8:43 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2011

14er MTB!  Sucess!

Late start, but a fun and challenging mountain bike :) #4


ssbclimber - Oct 8, 2011 1:49 am Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2009

White Mountain  Sucess!

Nine hour slog with Ezra Danciu. Had some car problems and fuel concerns driving out. It's a long drive to the trailhead!


MMclimbhigh - Oct 7, 2011 3:10 am Date Climbed: Sep 17, 2011

Trail  Sucess!

7 month old "Yeti" German Shepherd climbed her first 14'er!


DiverDave - Oct 3, 2011 11:10 pm Date Climbed: Aug 15, 1999

White Mountain Peak  Sucess!

14 miles round trip from locked gate at Barcroft Station at 11700 feet to summit at 14232 feet and return.


jaxcharlie - Sep 13, 2011 8:40 am Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2011

Suprising Gem  Sucess!

My first 14er. I went up as an acclimization hike, and chose this one because I wanted to see the Ancient Bristlecone Pine forest. I was delightfully suprised by how pretty the mountain and the views from the mountain where.


twigasaurus - Sep 11, 2011 2:35 am Date Climbed: Aug 31, 2011

Acclimation Test  Sucess!

I heard this was an easy hike to see how one does at elevation. So I went into not expecting much more than that. Camped at the trailhead, then got a 4:30am start the next morning. The dawn, sunrise, and the views of the Eastern Sierras were incredible. I would definitely recommend this hike.

Vitaliy M.

Vitaliy M. - Sep 6, 2011 6:41 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2011

nice views  Sucess!

2 hours to the top going at decent pace..took some time on top for the views. Checked out the oldest trees in the world after.


danomike - Sep 4, 2011 8:16 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2011

Great View From The Top  Sucess!

19 hour day driving from Reno, hiking up the mountain, then driving back to Reno. Good times.


iditarod81 - Aug 22, 2011 4:22 pm Date Climbed: Aug 21, 2011

Great trip!  Sucess!

We had an awesome time with the researchers / staff at the Barcroft WMRS and we were treated to the most spectacular view of the Milky Way we've ever seen with the naked eye the evening before summiting. At the top: beautiful views and weather, nice to see the High Sierra from the "other" side of Owens Valley.


Tracy - Aug 11, 2011 4:57 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2011

from Barcroft Gate  Sucess!

Hiked the road from Barcroft Gate after camping the night at Grandview Campground. Bagged Mount Barcroft on the way back. Beautiful weather and only about 25 other people on the mountain. This was my 15th California county highpoint.


biz - Aug 8, 2011 4:36 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2011

A slog...  Sucess!

but the view more than made up for it. Plus, I found the landscape and geology to be very enjoyable.


hightinerary - Jul 24, 2011 2:05 pm

Bizarre Landscape  Sucess!

The road to the trailhead is the hardest part! I've climbed it four times.


zoomloco - Jul 16, 2011 4:11 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2011

beautiful  Sucess!

so different from the sierra, its mind boggling. both are incredible. thoughts here: http://zoomloco.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/out-of-the-parks/


CaHikr - Jul 5, 2011 1:11 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2011

Easy Summit  Sucess!

Was able to drive to the gate for the 14 mile r/t to the summit.
Awesome day in the 50's to 60's, some trail cutting required to get by some snow drifts but those should be gone in a couple of weeks.


EnFuego - Jul 3, 2011 7:44 pm Date Climbed: Nov 22, 2009

Long Long Day Hike  Sucess!

Due to some early season snows and some unpassable snow drifts in my 2wd SUV, I had to park over 3 miles from the trailhead, making this normally 7 mile Class I ascent nearly 11 miles. I started about 6am in subfreezing temps with moderate wind. By the time I reached the observatory, my water bladder hose had frozen. I managed to thaw it out, ate some food, tucked the hose away and continue onto the summit in mounting winds. At about 13,000' elevation, my water bladder froze. I was too close to turn back, after driving all night from Orange County. I quickly made the summit, signed the register, and hauled out of there. I finally reached my vehicle 14 hours later in the dark and very thirsty.


mjp20k - Jun 27, 2011 9:15 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2006

Another CA fourteener  Sucess!

Uneventful hike to the top


Smithman123 - May 30, 2011 6:13 pm

Mountain Bike

Mountain biked this peak with a friend. Was very rideable except for the last couple-hundred vertical feet. Rode down the entire way. It was a bit of a slog riding up the hill, but the way down made it all worthwhile.


hiker102 - May 18, 2011 3:33 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2005

First high altitude hike  Sucess!

This was an amazing hike of a 14,246 foot mountain in the high desert of central California. The landscape was barren and rocky, yet had a green hue from the short ground vegetation on many of the surrounding hills in the lower elevations. Take away the clear blue sky and replace it with total blackness and this location could probably pass for the moon...

For a full trip report with photos, you are welcome to visit my website: Peak Fever


jspeigl - Apr 26, 2011 10:46 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2009

White Mt.  Sucess!

An uneventful hike; ran into a few Summitposters at the top, which was cool.


PSchubert - Feb 18, 2011 7:07 pm Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2010

First Snows  Sucess!

My first 14'er. Parked at Barcroft gate and made the summit easily enough, but ended up walking on snow and ice more often than not. The view from the top (especially with the approaching storm) was well worth the effort. I would highly recommend this peak before any snow has fallen in the fall.

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