Recognize the names
Range Creek is a name outdoor people have come to know. A repository of ancient history is luckily preserved to our very day. Ancient Native American remnants dating back thousands of years remain undiscovered. Natural barriers to travel are on all sides. Used in the late 1800's to efficiently keep cattle, it has always been there. The Wilcox family ended up with it, preserved it for 90 years, and gave or sold it to the State. Recently the State gave it to the College for study. Employees and volunteers patrol and protect the resources. Organized visitors can pay to visit with East Tavaputs Ranch at 435-637-1236 or Canyonlands Field Institute at 435-259-7750.
Getting there
Even more remote is Indian Reservation land east of the Green River and several miles north of the town of Green River. Ute Plaza Supermarket is said to sell permits to visit. Call 435-722-3282 to inquire. Arrival would start in Ouray, south of Roosevelt, Utah.
Wilcox Point 9375 feet, The Basin 9496 feet
Here are two summits that only a handful of Utahns have heard of and less have seen. Located near "right fork Tusher Canyon" on extremely remote dirt roads, oil and gas exploration would be the most likely reason to visit.